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I've hated where I live (Las Vegas, NV) for years but my plans to move keep getting thwarted.

I'm the son of a union construction worker who has taken me from my birthplace of Chicago at the age of 10 and moved me and my family across the country to New Mexico, Nevada, and Indiana. I arrived in Las Vegas for my seventh grade of school, and my life has never been the same since.
Before anyone says that the "grass is not greener on the other side", I want to acknowledge the fact that I have not had only bad times. It's just the frequency of bad events and people who have gone out of their way to do harm to me or my progress is sincerely over the top.
If you have ever been to Vegas outside of the strip, you'll probably think it's beautiful and new compared to some other parts of the country, and that part may be true. It is a newly developing city that is starting to mirror the likes of other rising metropolitan areas.
Yet, I cannot accurately express my level of disgust for the quality of people that exist here, from school, to jobs, to churches, I have experienced nothing but the same variety of transient loser who has come out here to Vegas from somewhere else seeking some element of the fast life.
I have tried getting out, most recently have been here since 2014, and in the last six years, every two years; I have developed a new plan to get out of this place. And all three have failed, just a month ago I had a glimmer of hope to get to Colorado and continue my career there. I went through three interviews just to be turned down at the last minute after I already set my plans in motion.
Not to mention with covid-19 having changed everybody's worlds, it has not allowed me anymore respite from the atrocities that I witness here in Vegas on a regular basis. The last few months, there have been more stabbings, shootings, and robberies by the strip and outside of the strip. I recently just moved out of an apartment complex far off-strip where a man had thrown his infant child off of the second floor balcony and set his apartment on fire, killing his dog. The infant didn't make it. I woke up at 4am to the ungodly, horrific wailing of the mother who was trying to resuscitate her child on the cold sidewalk. For almost two months I had to look upon the apartment unit kiddy corner from mine and be reminded of what happened just a couple hundred feet away.
When things were good here, I had two large groups of friends who have since either moved away, or betrayed my trust in some way to where I have not had any friends to regularly visit but two.
Even during the so-called "good times", I had put my best foot forward working in construction, sales, logistics, you name it And jobwise it is just as depraved as any other aspect of living in this city. Absolutely everybody has gotten their job through nepotism, and they all actively seek whoever they can screw out of a job for any dumb reason. I know this is not exclusive to Las vegas, but at this point I am utterly convinced that Las Vegas is the America of america, in that they sell the wildest dreams of luck and chance to those who see this bright City from afar off and in reality opens its wide Jaws to swallow in these transient visitors, such as myself. And it will not let go until it feels it has gotten everything it wants out of you. I can't help but to feel that I have lost so much since being here, and the only thing that gives me peace is the fact that I have maintained my faith in my respective God and I have tried my best not to fall in to the same pitfalls that people around here fall into. There is no good industry besides the hospitality and tourism industry, and everybody knows how that has been going since this virus pandemic. Even before the pandemic, casinos and tourism related industries were the only thing going for this place, it has nothing else solid or respectable to speak of.
This year, since the raiders stadium especially, more people have been coming here from California and Texas and elsewhere trying to live cheaply, in every sense of the word. Our roads are completely unsafe, our government does not care unless California's does, and most of the outrageous newsworthy events that happened in the city are clearly muffled and not allowed to surface so that the city can continue collecting more people and sucking them dry.
I have lived in four states in my life, I'm only 25, and yet I can see that this is the worst place I have ever lived, and if I can do anything to get myself out of here with my girlfriend that I love, I would do it. Sometimes, I feel like I am trapped in purgatory I'm around a bunch of people who not only don't care about themselves, but seem to hate others in any given setting or scenario whether professional or casual. I and my family have become afraid to leave the house, we only shop for groceries in the very early morning because we don't trust that anybody in this city would have the willpower or intelligence or wherewithal to avoid crowds as these covid-19 guidelines have been suggesting.
Excuse this monumentally long post, but I have been stuck here for a total of six years most recently, and I'm beginning to feel like I don't exist because of this cycle of repetition I have found myself in in this city because no matter what I do, no matter what job I get, no matter how hard I work, no matter who I spend my time around with, it all turns to dust. My best advice to anyone ever, do not move here. Visit, and leave but do not live, not if you value the deeper things of life, for there is nothing but shallow Waters here that have been made to look very deep.
Please, fellow Redditors, don't ever find yourself in a place like this, and if you relate to what I'm saying, I hope we are all going to make it out of this together.
Tl;Dr: Las Vegas is a cesspool and I have been spinning my wheels trying to escape its clutches, do not move here and do not fall for their lies about how great this city is. They won't mention the level of violence and crime, the shoddy school systems, and the overall culture that exists in this city that values everything fake and tinsel over what's real and substantial.
submitted by samwisegonzalo to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

A list of some surprising good fantasy books involving pirates.

Perhaps nowhere does storytelling so totally reverse reality as when it deals with pirates. It’s difficult not to like swashbuckling rogues tweaking the noses of the uptight British ninnies as they ply their brave way across the wild, lusty seas.
Of course, actual pirates were about as romantic as the tortures they would inflict on prisoners, including holding lighted matches to the victim’s eyes or keel-hauling, where a sailor had a rope tied to each arm and thrown off the bow of a ship. The unfortunate was then dragged along the length of ship, scraping against the sharp barnacles and probably drowning.
Fun fact: “Avast!” means “Stop!” or “Stand still!” not “Hello, fellow pirate!”

21. Corsair by Chris Bunch – 2001

Swashbuckling captain Gareth Radnor has taken command of the Steadfast. But the young captain intends more than seeking his fortune. He wants vengeance against the Linyati slavers who murdered his family. Crewed by a motley band of adventurers, his carrack plunges through the salty waves, striking at the Linyati wherever it can.
And then he discovers something more compelling even than revenge: The Linyati aren’t human…
“Hard edged, salty… a fantasy adventure that will keep you up at night reading.”
—Terry Brooks, author of the Shannara series

20. The Mark of Ran by Paul Kearne – 2004

Book 1 of 2 in The Sea Beggars Series
In a world abandoned by its Creator, an ancient race once existed, with powers so extensive that they were seen as both angles and demons. Rol Cortishane was raised in a remote fishing village, ignorant that the blood of this long-forgotten race runs in his veins. Driven from home, Rol is trained in the assassin’s craft and tutored by the beautiful but troubled Rowen. Now they’ve set their sights across the sea in search of the Hidden City and an adventure that will make them legends, if it doesn’t kill them first.
In the non-fantasy world, the Sea Beggars (the name of this series) really existed. They were a confederacy of Dutch nobles, who, from 1566, opposed Spanish rule in the Netherlands. They arrived in large numbers to complain to the king, but some wit told the ruling Spanish regent not to worry, for the large group was “only beggars.” The angry group of nobles did not forget the appellation and henceforth called themselves the Beggars. The most successful Beggars operated at sea (i.e., were pirates) and were known as the Sea Beggars.

19. Of Shadow and Sea by Will Wight – 2015

Book 1 of 2 in The Elder Empire Series
The Guild of Navigators (i.e., swindlers and pirates) has been paid a fortune to secure the Heart, a cursed artifact that will give wild power to its bearer. The Guild’s only lord is greed, their only loyalty to gold, and they would sell the Empire’s freedom for the promise of a quick coin.
Author Will Wight is well regarded for his likable characters and irreverent tone. Most epic fantasies tend to be high-minded and serious, but Wight has a decidedly more down-to-earth approach.

18. Pirate Latitudes by Michael Crichton – 2009

I’m not a giant Michael Crichton fan. Generally, I think his ideas and research are more interesting than the actual books he creates. This one’s fun, though.
This book was unknown until after Crichton’s death—his assistant found it on a computer. However, there’s evidence Crichton was working on it, on and off, since the 1970s.
Pirate Latitudes is a caper novel set in the high seas with a strong regard to the reality of the times. Because of this, it probably doesn’t belong in a fantasy list like this one. However, it’s a damn fine pirate tale, and that’s good enough for me.
The Historical Novel Society notes: “Crichton’s portrayal of Port Royal and its inhabitants is far more grounded in reality than Disney’s portrayal. Crichton does not gloss over the slavery, addiction and brutality of colonial Jamaica, nor does he endow his characters with abilities beyond their training or station in life.”
So don’t expect Jack Sparrow.

17. The Fox by Sherwood Smith – 2007

Book 2 of 4 in the Inda Series
You might want to read the first book in the series, Inda, before diving into this one.
Young prince and military genius Inda, forced to turn mercenary after conspirators engineered his exile from Choraed Elgaer, is gathering allies for a sea campaign against the piratical Brotherhood. But Inda’s attention soon shifts toward the ambitious Venn Empire, which wants to use him as a political pawn.
The hardcover version of this book is significantly cheaper than the paperback. Go figure.
“[L]ively… spare yet complex characterizations and a narrative that balances sweeping action and uneasy intimacy.”
—Publishers Weekly

16. Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding – 2011

Book 1 of 3 in the Tales of the Ketty Jay Series
This is magical steampunk, so it’s a little nuts. I mean that as a compliment.
Sky piracy is a bit out of Darian Frey’s league. Fate has not been kind to the captain of the airship Ketty Jay—or his motley crew. They are all running from something. Crake is a daemonist in hiding, traveling with an armored golem and burdened by guilt. Jez is the new navigator, desperate to keep her secret from the rest of the crew. Malvery is a disgraced doctor, drinking himself to death. So when an opportunity arises to steal a chest of gems from a vulnerable airship, Frey can’t pass it up. It’s an easy take—and the payoff will finally make him a rich man.
But when the attack goes horribly wrong, Frey suddenly finds himself the most wanted man in Vardia, trailed by bounty hunters, the elite Century Knights, and the dread queen of the skies, Trinica Dracken. Frey realizes that they’ve been set up to take a fall but doesn’t know the endgame. And the ultimate answer for captain and crew may lie in the legendary hidden pirate town of Retribution Falls. That’s if they can get there without getting blown out of the sky.
“Beautifully crafted prose and some remarkably imaginative scenes…and Wooding’s sprawling, multifaceted world and rough-and-tumble action will delight steampunk fans.”
—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

15. The King’s Buccaneer by Raymond E. Feist – 1992

Book 5 of the Riftwar Cycle
Long recovered from the ravages of the Riftwar, the land and people of the kingdom of the Isles thrive. Nicholas, the youngest son of Prince Arutha, is intelligent and gifted but vastly inexperienced. In hopes of hardening him, his father sends him and his irreverent squire, Harry, to live at rustic Castle Crydee to learn of life beyond the halls of privilege. But within weeks of Nicholas and Harry’s arrival, Crydee is viciously attacked by unknown assailants, resulting in murder, massive destruction, and the abduction of two young noblewomen. The raiders have come from a pirate haven and are no ordinary foe, while an enemy connected to dark magical forces threaten the lands Nicholas will someday rule—if he survives.
“Feist once again delivers a superior, rousing adventure.”
—Publishers Weekly

14. The Pyrates by George MacDonald Fraser – 1983

The Pyrates is satire, send-up, and love-letter to what swashbucklers have become. It’s a Naked Gun take on Errol Flynn pirates. If you don’t know what “Naked Gun” or “Errol Flynn” is then I envy you because you’re about to discover some great stuff.

13. Isle of Swords by Wayne Thomas Batson – 2008

Book 1 of 3 in the Isle Chronicles
Captain Declan Ross searched for riches that will free him and his headstrong daughter, Anne, from the piracy business forever. Bartholomew Thorne, an infamously ruthless pirate, seeks to destroy Ross and any who stand in his way of the legendary treasure hidden by a mysterious order of monks.
Despite featuring a scene where a monk gets skinned alive, this book won a “Mom’s Choice Award” for family-friendly entertainment. Depends on the family, I guess.

12. Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch – 2007

Book 2 of 3 in the Gentlemen Bastards Series
Initially poised to rob the Sinspire, the notoriously thief-proof casino where the penalty for cheating is death, Locke and his partner, Jean, are unwillingly sidetracked into joining and then leading a pirate crew, swindling their way across the sea as they had previously done on land.
“[C]harming, unpredictable and fast on its feet and stands surprisingly well on its own given its convoluted plot.”
—Publishers Weekly

11. Pirate Freedom by Gene Wolfe – 2007

Fresh from the monastery, the former novice finds himself inexplicably transported back to the Golden Age of Piracy, where an unexpected new life awaits him. At first, he resists joining the notorious Brethren of the Coast, but he soon embraces the life of a buccaneer, even as he succumbs to the seductive charms of a beautiful and enigmatic señorita. As the captain of his own possibly cursed ship, he plunders the West Indies in search of Spanish gold. From the stormy waters of the Caribbean to steamy tropical jungles, Captain Chris finds danger, passion, adventure, and treachery as he hoists the black flag and sets sail for the Spanish mainland.
Where he will finally come to port only God knows…
“Wolfe…[fills] his story with duels, treachery, ship-to-ship combat and an abundance of accurate period detail.”
—Publishers Weekly

10. The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert V. S. Redick – 2008

Book 1 of 4 in the Cathrand Voyage Series
Six hundred years old, the Imperial merchant ship Chathrand is a massive floating outpost of the Empire of Arqual. And it is on its most vital mission yet: to deliver a young woman whose marriage will seal the peace between Arqual and its mortal enemy, the Mzithrin Empire. But Thasha, the young noblewoman in question, may be bringing her swords to the altar.
For the ship’s true mission is not peace but war—a war that threatens to rekindle an ancient power long thought lost. As the Chathrand navigates treacherous waters, Thasha must seek unlikely allies—including a magic-cursed deckhand, a stowaway tribe of foot-high warriors, and a singularly heroic rat—and enter a treacherous web of intrigue to uncover the secret of the legendary Red Wolf.
“Insane god-kings, miniature warriors and sentient animals fight over a powerful ancient artifact in Redick’s dramatic, complex debut… Both adult and young adult readers will find much to enjoy in this tale of sea-faring and bloody diplomacy.”
—Publishers Weekly

9. Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini – 1922

Book 1 of 3 in the Captain Blood Series
This book is a little more subtle than its title would suggest.
Dr. Peter Blood, is an Irish physician who was once a sailor and a soldier. In the aftermath of the Monmouth rebellion, Dr. Blood is arrested for treason. While he did not actually participate in the rebellion, rather he aided a wounded rebel, he is tried and convicted nonetheless. The sentence for treason is death, but King James II has the sentence commuted and instead sells Captain Blood and his fellow rebels into slavery.
“Glorious… I never enjoyed a novel more than Captain Blood.”
—Norman Mailer

8. The Assassin’s Curse by Cassandra Rose Clark – 2012

Book 1 of 2 in The Assassin’s Curse Series
Ananna abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to an allying pirate clan. She wants to captain her own boat, not serve as second-in-command to her handsome yet clueless fiancé. But her escape has dire consequences when she learns the scorned clan has sent an assassin after her.
And when the assassin Naji finally catches up with her, things get even worse. Ananna inadvertently triggers a nasty curse—with a life-altering result. Now Ananna and Naji are forced to become uneasy allies as they work together to break the curse and return their lives back to normal. Or at least as normal as the lives of a pirate and an assassin can be.
“Clarke’s debut harkens back to the best in fantasy/adventure, offering rock-solid worldbuilding, satisfyingly perilous obstacles and a protagonist whose charismatic ’tude goes way beyond spunk. Ananna’s voice grabs readers from the beginning…and doesn’t let go.”
—Kirkus (starred review)

7. Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb – 1998

Book 1 of 3 in The Liveship Traders Series
Bingtown is a hub of exotic trade and home to a merchant nobility famed for its liveships—rare vessels carved from wizardwood, which ripens magically into sentient awareness. Now the fortunes of one of Bingtown’s oldest families rest on the newly awakened liveship, Vivacia.
For Althea Vestrit, the ship is her rightful legacy. But the fate of Althea and the ship may ultimately lie in the hands of a ruthless buccaneer who plans to seize power over the Pirate Isles by capturing a liveship and bending it to his will.

6. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne – 1870

While his description of this new thing called a “submarine” is fun even for modern readers, it’s the brilliant but tortured Captain Nemo who steals the show as one of, if not the, best pirate in English literature.

5. The Walrus & the Warwolf by Hugh Cook – 1988

Book 4 of 6 in the Chronicles of an Age of Darkness Series
On his 16th birthday, churlish Drake Douay finds himself exiled from his homeland amid a treacherous crew of pirates on the open sea. Through battles with sea monsters, mysterious cults, weird technology of a bygone age, and the warring gangs of two pirate lords, Drake explores a world of dark fantasy and betrayal with his keen wit and a sharp sword—his only protection from an early death.
Readers are usually divided: this is either one of their favorite books, or the long litany of adventures becomes boring after a while.

4. Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed – 2012

Book 1 in the Crescent Moon Kingdoms Series
A finalist for the Hugo, Nebula, Crawford, Gemmell, and British Fantasy Awards, and the winner of the Locus Award for Best First Novel.
The Crescent Moon Kingdoms, home to djenn and ghuls, holy warriors and heretics, are at the boiling point of a power struggle between the iron-fisted Khalif and the mysterious master thief known as the Falcon Prince. In the midst of this brewing rebellion, a series of brutal supernatural murders strikes at the heart of the Kingdoms. But these killings are only the earliest signs of a plot for the Throne of the Crescent Moon that threatens to turn the great city of Dhamsawwaat, and the world itself, into a blood-soaked ruin.
“Ahmed’s debut masterfully paints a world both bright and terrible.”
—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

3. Mad Kestrel by Misty Massey – 2008

In a world where infants with magical powers are torn from their parents to be raised by the mysterious and powerful Danisoba, who have a monopoly on magic, Kestrel has managed to keep her abilities concealed—and herself free. First hiding in back alleys as a street urchin, she hid when they killed her parents, and then served as a young tavern maid before escaping to sea, where magic is cancelled by water.
Now an adult, and the quartermaster of a pirate ship, Kestrel loves the freedom of living on the seas. But her way of life could end if anyone on board learns her closely guarded secret—that she has magical control over the wind.
One day a black ship appears, and her life changes. Its captain is a handsome rogue of whom Kestrel is strangely, constantly aware. When Kestrel’s captain is led into a trap and is arrested, she gathers her crew and sets sail in relentless pursuit…
“This rollicking debut combines swashbuckling sea adventure, fantasy and romance with great success.”
—Publishers Weekly

2. Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie – 1904

Sure, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell are great, but it’s the enmity of the pirate Captain Hook that makes this story exciting.

1. On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers – 1987

This is the inspiration of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but it’s different in many ways and stands well on its own.
Puppeteer John Chandagnac, bound for Jamaica to recover stolen money from his uncle, becomes Jack Shandy after pirates attack his ship and force him to join their crew. Shandy’s struggle to accept his new life grounds the story for readers, even as Blackbeard and vodun magicians whisk everyone away to dreamlike lands where the Fountain of Youth itself awaits.
“Powers writes action and adventure that Indiana Jones could only dream of.”
—Washington Post
Blog link.
submitted by zombie_wonderland to Fantasy [link] [comments]

Anonymity by State/Country: Comprehensive Global Guide III

Ever since i started playing regularly, i've researched anonymity in places. Here is what i have for each state plus a bunch of other countries. If anything is outdated or incorrect, please comment.
United States
Alabama: No current lottery. Source:
Alaska: No current lottery/Not Anonymous. "Unlike most other states, Alaska doesn’t have a state-sponsored lottery." Source: Alaska does permit charities to run lotteries, the largest one is Not Anonymous. Source:
Alaska's governor has proposed a bill to create an official Alaska State Lottery. Source:
American Samoa: No current lottery. Source:
Arizona: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for all wins of $100,000 and over. Source:
Arkansas: Not Anonymous/Other entities unclear. "Winner information is subject to disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A winner who receives a prize or prize payment from the ASL grants the ASL, its agents, officers, employees, and representatives the right to use, publish (in print or by means of the Internet) and reproduce the winner’s name, physical likeness, photograph, portraits, and statements made by the winner, and use audio sound clips and video or film footage of the winner for the purpose of press releases, advertising, and promoting the ASL". Source:
California: Not Anonymous/Only individuals can claim. “ The name and location of the retailer who sold you the winning ticket, the date you won and the amount of your winnings are also matters of public record and are subject to disclosure. You can form a trust prior to claiming your prize, but our regulations do not allow a trust to claim a prize. Understand that your name is still public and reportable”. Source:
Colorado: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. “As part of the Open Records Act, we are required to release to the public your name, hometown, amount you won and the game you played. This information will be posted on and will be furnished to media upon request.” Source: Source:
Connecticut: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a trust or LLC, "Certain information about our winners is public information: Winner's name and place of residence, date of claim, game played, prize amount won, and the selling retailer's name and location. While most winners claim prizes using their individual names, some winners come forward using other legal entities (i.e., trusts, business partnership) to claim their prizes. In those instances, the Lottery will promote the win using that legal entity's name. For more information about such instances, please consult your personal accountant or legal advisor.” Source:
Delaware: 100% Anonymous if requested by winner. "Many winners have chosen to remain anonymous, as allowed by state law, but their excitement is yours to share!" Source: and
DC: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a trust or LLC. Anonymous question is not directly answered on lottery website. "In the District of Columbia, specific lottery winner information is public record." However, a Powerball Jackpot win was claimed via a LLC in 2009. Source:
Florida: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via LLC. "Florida Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. Florida law mandates that the Florida Lottery provide the winner's name, city of residence, game won, date won and amount won to any third party who requests the information; however Florida Lottery winners' home addresses and telephone numbers are confidential." Source:
The Florida Lottery allows trusts to claim it, however winner information is still released in compliance with the law. A $15 Million jackpot was claimed by an LLC. Source: Source:
Georgia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for all prizes over $250,000. Source:
Guam: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Hawaii: No current lottery. Source:
Idaho: Not Anonymous."By claiming a winning lottery ticket over $600, winners become subject to Idaho’s Public Records Law. This means your “win” becomes an offcial Idaho public record. Your full name, the town where you live, the game you won, the amount you won (before and after taxes), the name of the retailer where you bought the ticket, and the amount the retailer receives for selling the ticket are all a matter of public record." Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
Illinois: Not Anonymous/Anonymous if requested by winner for all wins over $250,000 however info will be released to a FOIA request. "However, Murphy also cooperated with the Illinois Press Association in adding an amendment that ensures that Freedom of Information Act, an act designed to keep government agencies transparent by allowing the public to access any public record by request, supersedes the privacy law, according to attorney Don Craven, the press association’s legal counsel." Source:
Indiana: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via LLC or trust. "Indiana law allows lottery jackpot winners to remain anonymous, with the money being claimed by a limited liability company or legal trust." Source:
Iowa: Not Anonymous/Can use a trust to claim but information will be released. "When you win an Iowa Lottery prize of $600 or more, you have to fill out a winner claim form that includes your name, address and Social Security number before you can claim your winnings. Iowa law makes the information on that claim form public, meaning that anyone can request a copy of the form to see who has won the prize. We redact sensitive information, such as your Social Security number, from the form before we release it, but all other details are considered public information under Iowa law (Iowa Code Section 99G.34(5)." Source:
For group play, "Prizes can be paid to players who play as a group. A check can be written to an entity such as a trust or to a single individual." Source:
Kansas: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. "Kansas is one of a handful of states that does not have this requirement. If you win a prize in Kansas, you may request that your identity not be released publicly." Source:
Kentucky: Anonymity appears to be an option. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website. But multiple instances of winners claiming anonymously have been reported in the news. "Kentucky Lottery spokesman Chip Polson said the $1 million Powerball winner claimed the prize on May 15 and the Mega Million winner claimed the prize on May 12. He confirmed that both players wanted their identity to remain a secret." Source:
Louisiana: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. "Under the Lottery's statute, all prize payment records are open records, meaning that the public has a right to request the information. Depending upon the amount won and public or media interest in the win, winners may NOT be able to remain anonymous. The statute also allows the Lottery to use winners' names and city of residence for publicity purposes such as news releases. The Lottery's regular practice is not to use winner information in paid advertising or product promotion without the winner's willingness to participate. Source: Source:
Maine: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. "In the event that Maine does have a Mega Millions winner, he or she can opt to remain anonymous — but Boardman says that’s never happened. “What a winner could do in Maine is they could file their claim in the name of a trust, and the trust becomes the winner. So that’s how a winner could claim their ticket anonymously,” he says." Source:
Maryland*: Not Anonymous by Law, Anonymous in Practice. "However, the legal basis for this anonymity in Maryland is thin. The Maryland Lottery does not advertise that lottery winners may remain anonymous, but it posts articles on its website about winners and notes those winners who have “chosen to remain anonymous:” Source:
*"Please note that this anonymity protection does not apply to second-chance and Points for Drawings contests run through the My Lottery Rewards program. Those contests are run as promotions for the Lottery. As such, they are operated under a different set of rules than our draw games and scratch-off games. The rules of participating in our second-chance and Points for Drawings contests state that winners' identities are published."" Source:
Massachusetts: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust "Lottery regulations state that a claimant's name, city or town, image, amount of prize, claim date and game are public record. Therefore, photographs may be taken and used to publicize winnings." Source:
Michigan: Not Anonymous for Powerball and Mega Millions/100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for all other winners over $10,000. "Winner Anonymity. Michigan law requires written consent before disclosing the identity of the winner of $10,000 or more from the State lottery games Lotto47 and Fantasy 5. You further understand and agree that your identity may be disclosed, and that disclosure may be required, as the winner of any prize from the multi-state games Powerball and Mega Millions." Source:
Minnesota: Not Anonymous. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but lottery blog states "In Minnesota, lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. A winner's name, city, prize amount won and the place that the winning ticket was sold is public data and will be released to media and posted on our website." Source:
Mississippi: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. "In accordance with the Alyce G. Clarke Mississippi Lottery Law, the Mississippi Lottery will not disclose the identity of the person holding a winning lottery ticket without that person's written permission." Source:
Missouri: Not Anonymous. "At the Lottery Headquarters, a member of the Lottery's communications staff will ask you questions about your win, such as how many tickets you bought, when you found out that you won and what you plan to do with your prize money. This information will be used for a news release. You will also be asked, but are not required, to participate in a news conference, most likely at the store where you purchased your winning ticket." Source:
A Missouri State Legislator has submitted a bill to the State House to give lottery winners anonymity. Source:
Montana: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. "In Montana, by law, certain information about lottery winners is considered public. That information includes: the winner's name, the amount won and the winner's community of residence. Winners may choose to claim as an individual or they may choose to form a trust and claim their prize as a trust. If a trust claims a lottery prize, the name of the trust is considered public information. A trust must have a federal tax identification number in order to claim a Montana Lottery prize." Source:
Nebraska: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via LLC. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but a winner created a legal entity to claim anonymously in 2014. "Nebraska Lottery spokesman Neil Watson said with the help of a Kearney lawyer, the winner or winners have created a legal entity called Carpe Diem LLC." Source:
A Nebraska State Legislator has now filed a bill to give 100% Anonymity to all winners over $300,000 who request it. Source:
Nevada: No current lottery. Source:
New Hampshire: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a trust. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but a winner successfully sued the lottery and won the right to remain anonymous in 2018. Source:
New Jersey: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
New Mexico: Not Anonymous. “Winners of $10,000 or more will have name, city, game played, and prize amount and photo on website.” Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
New York: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via a LLC. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but per Gov. Cuomo: "For the past 40 years, individuals wishing to keep their name and information out of the public view have created LLCs to collect their winnings for them." Source:
North Carolina: Not Anonymous. "North Carolina law allows lottery winners' identity to remain confidential only if they have an active protective order against someone or participate in the state's "Address Confidentiality Program" for victims of domestic violence, sexual offense, stalking or human trafficking." Source:
North Dakota: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Northern Mariana Islands: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Ohio: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but appears to have an anonymous option. "The procedure from there was a little cumbersome. I needed to create two separate trusts. One trust was to appoint me, as the trustee on behalf of the winner, to contact the Lottery Commission and accept the Lottery winnings. The secondary trust was set up for me as trustee of the first trust, to transfer the proceeds to the second trust with the winner as the beneficiary. This enabled me to present the ticket, accept the proceeds, and transfer it to the winner with no public record or disclosure." Source:
Oklahoma: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust or LLC. In accordance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act and the Oklahoma Education Lottery Act, the name of any individual, corporation, partnership, unincorporated association, limited liability company, or other legal entity, and their city of residence will be made public. Source: Source:
Oregon: Not Anonymous. "No. Certain information about Lottery prizes is public record, including the name of the winner, amount of the prize, date of the drawing, name of the game played and city in which the winning ticket was purchased. Oregon citizens have a right to know that Lottery prizes are indeed being awarded to real persons. " Source: Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
Pennsylvania: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. Source:
Puerto Rico: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Rhode Island: Not Anonymous/Anonymous if requested but all info is subject to FOIA. "While the Lottery will do everything possible to keep a winner's information private if requested by the winner, in Rhode Island and most other states, this information falls under the Freedom of Information Act, and a winner's name and city or town of residency must be released upon request." Source:
South Carolina: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Anonymity or who can claim is not addressed on lottery website but appears to have an anonymous option based on prior winners. Source:
South Dakota: Not Anonymous for draw games and online games/100% Anonymous for Scratchoffs if requested by the winner. "You can remain anonymous on any amount won from a scratch ticket game. Jackpots for online games are required to be public knowledge. Play It Again winners are also public knowledge." Source:
Tennessee: Not Anonymous/Can use a trust but info subject to open records act. Anonymity is explicitly noted as not being allowed on the official lottery website. Source:
However if it is claimed via a trust then the lottery will not give out your information unless requested to do so. "The TN lottery says: "When claiming a Lottery prize through a Trust, the TN Lottery would need identity documentation for the grantor and all ultimate beneficiaries. Once we are in possession of these documents and information, records are generated. If a formal request is made by a citizen of Tennessee, the Trust beneficiary's name, city and state must be made available under the Tennessee Open Records Act." Source:
Texas: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for $1 million or more IF the winner claims it as an individual AND chooses the Cash option. Not Anonymous if claimed by a trust or LLC or if the winner chooses the Annuity option. Source:
Utah: No current lottery. Source:
Vermont: Not Anonymous/Anonymous via trust. “The name, town and prize amount on your Claim Form is public information. If you put your name on the Claim Form, your name becomes public information. If you claim your prize in a trust, the name of the trust is placed on the Claim Form, and the name of the trust is public information.” Source:
Virginia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for prizes over $10 million. "A new law passed by the Virginia General Assembly and signed by the Governor prohibits the Virginia Lottery from disclosing information about big jackpot winners." "When the bill goes into effect this summer, the Virginia Lottery will not be allowed to release certain information about winners whose prize exceeds $10 million, unless the winner wants to be known." Source:
US Virgin Islands: Anonymity appears to be an option. A $2 Million Powerball winner was allowed to remain anonymous. Source:
Washington: Not Anonymous/Can use a trust but info subject to open records act. "As a public agency, all documents held by Washington's Lottery are subject to the Public Records Act. Lottery prizes may be claimed in the name of a legally formed entity, such as a trust. However, in the event of a public records request, the documents forming the artificial entity may be released, thereby revealing the individual names of winners."
West Virginia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner for prizes over $1 million and 5% of winnings remittance. "Effective January 1, 2019, House Bill 2982 allows winners of State Lottery draw games to remain anonymous in regards to his or her name, personal contact information, and likeness; providing that the prize exceeds one million dollars and the individual who elects to remain anonymous remits five percent of his or her winnings to the State Lottery Fund." Source:
Wisconsin: Not Anonymous/Cannot be claimed by other entities. "Pursuant to Wisconsin’s Open Records law (Wis. Stats. Secs. 19.31–19.39), the Lottery is required to disclose a winner’s name, likeness and place of residence. If you win and claim a prize, the Lottery may use your name, likeness and place of residence for any purpose without compensation to you.
Upon claiming your prize, you waive any claims against the Lottery and its representatives for any and all liability which may result from the disclosure or use of such information." "The original winning ticket must be signed by a single human being. For-profit and non-profit entities, trusts, and other non-human beings are not eligible to play or claim a prize." Source:
Wyoming: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. "We will honor requests for anonymity from winners. However, we certainly hope winners will allow us to share their names and good news with other players." Source:
Other countries
Australia: 100% Anonymous if requested by winner. "The great thing about playing lotto in Australia is that winners can choose to remain anonymous and keep their privacy, unlike in the United States where winners don't have such a choice, and are often thrown into a media circus." Source:
Bahamas: No current lottery. Source:
Bahrain: Not Anonymous. Source:
Barbados: Not Anonymous. "No. Barbados Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. The Barbados Lottery mandates the winner’s name, address, game won, date won and amount won be provided; however Barbados Lottery winners' home addresses and telephone numbers are confidential." Source:
Brazil: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Canada: Not Anonymous. Every provincial lottery corporation in Canada requires winners to participate in a publicity photo shoot showing their face, their name and their municipality. Can seek anonymity if you have specific security concerns (rarely granted). Source:
Carribbean Lottery Countries (Antigua/Barbuda, Anguilla, St. Kitts/Nevis, St. Maarten/Saba/St. Eustatius, and Turks/Caicos): Not Anonymous. "No. Caribbean Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. The Caribbean Lottery mandates the winner’s name, address, game won, date won and amount won be provided; however Caribbean Lottery winners' home addresses and telephone numbers are confidential." Source:
China: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Must appear in a press conference and photo but allowed to wear disguise. Source:
Cuba: No current lottery. Source:
EuroMillions Countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and UK*): 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
*United Kingdom: Excludes
*Caymen Islands, and Falkland Islands: No current lottery. Source: Source:
*Anguilla, and Turks & Caicos: Not Anonymous. Source:
EuroJackpot Countries (Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands*, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden): 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
*Netherlands: Excludes
*St. Maarten, Saba, and St. Eustatius: Not Anonymous. Source:
Fiji: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Georgia (Kartvelia): Anonymity appears to be an option. "2.9.1. Prizes and Winners. Each Bidder shall provide details winners who waive their right to privacy will be treated;" Source:
Greece: Anonymity appears to be an option. "The bearer of the ticket shall keep the details of the ticket confidential and not reveal them to any third party." Source: https://www.opap.gen/identity-terms-of-use-lotto
Guyana: Not Anonymous. Source:
India*: Not Anonymous. Source:
*: Only available in the states of Kerala, Goa, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland and Mizoram. Source:
Indonesia: No current lottery. Source:
Israel: Not Anonymous by Law, Anonymous in Practice. “[A]lthough we have this right, we have never exercised it because we understood the difficulties the winners could encounter in the period after their win. We provide details about the winner, but in a manner that doesn’t disclose their identity,” Dolin Melnik, then-spokesperson for Israel’s Mifal Hapayis lottery told Haaretz in 2009." Source:
Jamaica: Not Anonymous. First initial and last name of winner was released but winner was allowed to wear a mask for photo. Source:
Japan: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Kenya: Not Anonymous. "9.1 When You claim or are paid a prize, You will automatically be deemed to grant to O8 LOTTO an irrevocable right to publish, through all types of media broadcasting, including the internet, for the purposes of promoting the win, Your full name (as well as Your nick name), hometown, photograph and video materials without any claim for broadcasting, printing or other rights" Source:
Malaysia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Nagorno-Karabakh: Not Anonymous. Source:
New Zealand: 100% Anonymous if requested by winner. Source:
North Korea: Not Anonymous. Source:
Northern Cyprus: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Oman: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Philippines: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Qatar: Not Anonymous. Source:
Romania: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Russia: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Samoa: Not Anonymous. Source:
Saudi Arabia: No current lottery. Source:
Singapore: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Solomon Islands: No current lottery. Source:
South Africa: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
South Korea: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Sri Lanka: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Taiwan: 100% Anonymous if requested by the winner. Source:
Trinidad and Tobago: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Tuvalu: No current lottery. Source:
United Arab Emirates: Not Anonymous. Source:
Vatican City: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Vietnam: Anonymity appears to be an option. Source:
Windward Lottery Countries (Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines): Not Anonymous. "Prize winners asked to do so by Winlot must give their name and address, and satisfactory establish their identity. All winners of the Jackpot (Match 6) prize will be photographed. Note that Winlot and CBN reserve the right to publish the names, addresses and photographs of all the winners." Source:
submitted by Kingofearth23 to LotteryLaws [link] [comments]

Some 7 Days to Die tips/answers, organized by category and labeled by importance.

Because I love watching you play 7 Days to Die so much and want to see you do well, here are some tips and answers that should be useful, answer some of your questions (including those you didn't ask directly), and prevent issues:
🌟 means more important
First of all, alpha 19 experimental is already out, in case you didn’t know. Alpha 19 could be out in as soon as a couple weeks, so be prepared to restart again soon if you want to go to the next version. There isn’t anything major gameplay wise, just a few new guns/tools, and some changes that might just be annoying, but there are some pretty major improvements with visuals, performance, and world generation. So it might be worth restarting, and as annoying as it is to constantly start over with each update, the starts of new worlds can be fun to watch. A new world in Alpha 19 would be particularly interesting, as progression has been reworked to take a lot longer and make the primitive items more useful.

🌟 UI Modlets

  1. If you want to be able to see things like food and water levels on your HUD, you should install a UI modlet. Some modlets change a lot, from the style of every menu to significantly rearranging UI elements, but some just add a couple things.
  2. To install a modlet:
    1. Go to (or some other source of mods)
    2. Find the modlet you want (I’m quite partial to the simple “S420_SimpleUI-LeftHUD-NoTemp-BuffTimers”)
    3. Download and open the modlet’s zip folder.
    4. Move everything in the Mods folder to the Mods folder in your 7DtD installation, specifically ...\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods
      • (create the folder if it isn’t there)
    5. Your UI should now show whatever the modlet adds next time you play.
      • If there are any issues, it should show up in the console, opened with F1 by default. Check loaded mods with the command “version”.


  1. 🌟 If you're on fire, drink something to put it out.
  2. 🌟 Traders reset inventory on certain days. The day number they will reset on is in their trade menu.
  3. 🌟 You seem to have mostly realized this, but junk turrets only work one at a time. You have to be in range of it, and only your closest owned junk turret with ammo fires, plus an extra one if you have the perk. If you have multiple, they will swap out as each one runs out of ammo.
  4. 🌟 I haven’t seen any specific problems with this, but just in case you didn’t know, you can pick up player-placed electronics (e.g. generators, blade traps, and electric fence posts) and the various crafting stations if they’re within a land claim block area. Pretty sure it doesn’t work with multiplayeallies though, just whoever placed the land claim, which is a bit inconvenient. So only Trevor can pick things up. Just wanted to make sure Ryan knows he could pick up the things he’s been placing if the land claim was his.
  5. 🌟 Different explosives are specialized for killing and digging. Dynamite does a lot of block damage, while grenades, pipe bombs, and molotovs do very little block damage but more playezombie damage. And of course the timed charge, which Gavin learned, to his disappointment, does very high block damage, but in a very small area. Good for breaking safes, not mountains.
  6. 🌟 Keep an eye out for hints of underground bunkers under seemingly inconspicuous structures around the towns.
  7. Most of you seem to know about the open/closed book icon on books in an inventory, but you can also check what perk books you’ve read in the perks menu, useful if someone else finds a book and you want to check if you already got it.
  8. Don’t bother putting items on your action bar to use them once. Just click “A” while it’s selected in the inventory to use it (like some of you do already).
  9. Nerdy glasses are pretty useful:
    1. They are good for reducing crazy crafting times on big things like stacks of gunpowdegas at the chem station. (only a 10% reduction though) But even with that, you will want at least 1 extra of each crafting station for general crafting while the other is busy for half an hour making a ton of gunpowdegas/ammo.
    2. The glasses can also save a perk point if you just use them any time you need to craft something deep into the intellect tree. Although you haven’t been too starved on perk points, it would still be useful in situations like Michael trying to make gas but being 1 point short. For example, if you’re level 2 in intelligence, the glasses let you buy a perk that requires level 3, but the perk will only be active while you meet the requirement.

Base Defense

  1. 🌟 As you may have realized with your rendition of the battle for Helm’s Deep, the zombies are omniscient structural engineers who path straight to the weakest point to get to you. Whether it makes for good content/gameplay or not, it’s best to leave a weakest point in your defenses to bait them and focus active defenses like turrets, traps, and yourself on that weak point. If you make a concrete square surrounded entirely by electric fences and spikes, then most of the defenses will be wasted since they’ll just go for one spot where you just happened to use a non-reinforced concrete block or something. If you do manage to perfectly balance the structure in every direction, they will take the shortest path to whoever they’re chasing, so you may succeed in spreading them out, at least until one block is broken somewhere, creating a unique shortest path to any player that they will all try to use.
    • While this can be annoying, it can also be interesting in that it “forces” you to make defenses somewhat reminiscent of authentic medieval castles. It is very effective to make concentric baileys with entrances flanked by gatehouses, with arrow slits or windows from which you can kill zombies attacking the entrance to the next bailey. Another encouraged authentic feature is machicolations, which you can also place around the entrances, similar to what you’ve done already with the extensions atop your walls in past bases. During the fight, man the gatehouses and machicolations, rain hell from above or the sides while they try to break through, and either repair the door being broken or wait for it to be destroyed and retreat to the next bailey.
  2. 🌟 Whatever you do, you need taller walls or smaller windows. If there are enough zombies, they just climb over each other World War Z style and hop over walls shorter than like 4 blocks. Spider zombies can still climb of course, but the occasional zombie isn’t hard to deal with. If they are a problem, just add an overhang or ceiling. They’re not great at climbing anything complex.
  3. Someone already recommended this, but it bears repeating, you might want to put some electric fence posts farther out to slow down zombies farther away, for a few reasons:
    1. This gives you time to take some shots at them before they reach the defenses, and they’re essentially immobilized when shocked, so headshots are easier.
    2. Delays demolition zombies, giving time to kill them before they can Helm’s Deep your base, or at least allowing them to detonate farther away.
    3. Zombies are immune to shocking for 1.5 seconds after their last shocking, so your inner perimeter is still useful if the outer fence perimeter is far enough out.
  4. Dart traps combined with pressure plates are a great focused, resource efficient defense, only requiring iron for the ammo, unlike more expensive bullets. And who doesn’t want to turn their base into a trap-laden temple straight out of Indiana Jones?
  5. You really don’t have to worry too much about zombies excavating the base as long as the zombies have a better path to you than digging. Although with your underground entrances, they might use their PhDs in material science to devise a more efficient path by digging into your tunnel or the main house, rather than beating down your bunker walls, but their pathing usually doesn’t prefer or can’t reach long, complex paths like that.


  1. 🌟 The wire tool’s range is dependent on your location, not the thing you’re trying to connect to. So you can wire farther away electronics by standing within range (~12 blocks) of the source electronic, then reaching towards and connecting the destination electronic.
  2. 🌟 Fence posts don’t just take power to run, they also degrade like most traps. The receiving fence post takes damage when affecting an enemy, stops working when below 50 durability, and must be repaired with 1 electrical part.
  3. Electronics can only receive power from one connection, in case you hadn’t noticed.
  4. Some tips for using turrets if you get around to them: they can’t use any special AP/HP ammo, make sure to lock the ammo when you want them to fire, and you can change their targeting area or manually fire them in their UI.


  1. 🌟 You can melt down casino tokens in the forge for brass, which is great since brass can’t be mined like the other metals. It essentially takes 6 tokens to make each bullet casing this way.
  2. 🌟 left behind a bunch of silver nugs...and a level 4 chainsaw and level 3 auger....why...the motor tool parts alone…
  3. 🌟 Loot/craft paper, it’s useful for shotgun shells, as well as blunderbuss ammo, which becomes far more useful in the slower progression of Alpha 19.
  4. 🌟 If Matt still needs more rotten flesh, the bigger buildings like the shotgun factory have tons of vultures, and all the adventuring players should make sure they harvest vultures they find in the desert and such. This gives bones too, which are good for glue and paper.
  5. To save on gas while digging, swap back and forth between pick and auger. Use up stamina with pick, recharge stamina while using auger, etc.
  6. It is more efficient, sometimes WAY more efficient, to melt metal items like radiators in the forge, rather than scrapping them in the inventory to be melted later. Although it saves room by compressing it all into one inventory space, scrapping wastes some of the metal.
  7. If you’re ever short on electrical parts, just wrench apart ceiling lights, desk lights, computers, and control consoles around various buildings. The desk lights give some brass too. There are so many sources of electrical parts that you should keep skipping over most of them, but they’re still good to harvest sometimes.
submitted by lurmurt to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

I finally watched it. Disney, JJ and Rian owe me 7 hours of my life back. Spoiler Heavy review.

I did not break down and buy a ticket. I was sent a digital screener link a couple of weeks ago inviting me to watch TROS because I'm in the WGA and get to vote on awards. Knowing that I didn't have to pay and endorse the project to watch it, I finally put it on New Year's Eve. The screener Disney sent had my name embedded on the screen for the entire movie. So I'd keep pausing and take pictures of Palps with my name in the shot. That was the most fun I had with this film.
I had read spoilers and I really didn't care about "The Saga Ending!" because Rian destroyed the franchise with TLJ and there was nothing left to wrap up or truly care about. I knew JJ didn't have the OK to resurrect Luke and really make TLJ moot. But he sure tried to make TLJ moot and the most successful moment of the entire film was him (and Mark) telling Rian to go fuck himself on behalf of the fans.
As you know if you've seen this, the film starts off bizarrely with a slow-motion action montage and little dialogue. This absolutely felt like they had a different opening before and scrapped it in a Frankenstein-edit just to get us in the story. It plays into what egoshoppe was posting about earlier in here from his source. The whole opening was a cobbled-together mess. It was just bizarre to drop into a montage, but okay...
Things I liked about TROS:
  1. Luke catching the saber and telling Rian Johnson in no uncertain terms to "Go fuck yourself" That look on Mark's face had to be worth the price of admission for some of you who plunked down your money for this.
  2. Chewie getting the medal. Yes, I know it's "fan-service". But it worked. What didn't work was the medal coming from Maz (who Rian basically sidelined in TLJ). Her importance was so diminished by Rian that I honestly didn't understand why she even showed up this time around. I almost feel like R2 & C3PO should've given it to him. Although at this point with force ghosts handing people items, Luke should've given it to him. I'm glad Lando didn't give it to him since he wasn't in ANH and was like a guest star on THE LOVE BOAT or FANTASY ISLAND basically in this film.
So that's what I liked.
I pretty much disliked everything else in this film.
If you want to see real female empowerment go see the Bride in KILL BILL. She is emotionally tied to Bill at the end, but she has no choice based on what he's done to her and what he will do to her if she doesn't end him. That's storytelling. That's not present in this film at all.
Think about other trilogies or sequel films for a second.
Indiana Jones, which isn't a trilogy nor is it sequential as a saga (all the movies are standalone), teaches Indy valuable lessons and beats the snot out of him along the way. He struggles with the enemy, with history and more importantly with himself in each film.
Ripley in the early Alien films struggles and fights her way into heroic immortality. She gets put through the goddamn ringer. She rises up to face her demons and fears with her skills as a pilot/engineer and as a human. It's epic storytelling. You feel catharsis with Ripley. I feel nothing with Rey.
Hell, even Katniss is forced to make choices that go against what she believes in along the way and those movies kind of suck.
What did Rey do for 3 movies? Quite honestly, if Kylo didn't abduct her and mind-rape her and thus transfer his powers to her, she accomplished nothing. She didn't learn anything. She didn't change from the girl in the first film. She starts the series alone on a desert planet with BB8 and ends the series alone on a desert planet with BB8.
Think about Luke in ANH vs Luke in ROTJ. He's changed tremendously. He's been through it. He's confident. He's clear. He has a way he chooses to live his life that he's willing to die for. At the end of ROTJ, he's triumphant. He faced his fears, he proved there's good in Vader, he's reunited with the people he loves and he's ready to start a new Jedi order.
Rey downloads Kylo's powers which is ludicrous because we have no idea it happened without being told off-screen it happened. Because of this thing that we had no idea just happened, she has become the most powerful force user in the galaxy. This isn't Morpheus uploading karate to Neo. We knew what was going on there. Morpheus explained the moment to us beautifully. Neo made a choice as to which pill to take. Neo wanted more when he learned the prison humanity was trapped in. Does Rey have any kind of arc approaching Neo's? No.
And what else has she done? After downloading powers from Kylo, she force skypes with him and lifted boulders to save a handful of people at the end TLJ. Again, she didn't even lift the goddamn X-wing to get back in the fight. If Luke's Ghost doesn't show up, she's stuck on Ach-to hunting Porgs for brunch.
In this film she doesn't do anything -- things just keep happening to her. She doesn't drive the plot. The plot drives her. And then in the end when she's triumphant against Palpatine it's not because of some 3 movie lessons she learned. It's because she has 2 lightsabers and Palpatine apparently can't stop shooting lightning once he starts. She meets and quickly kills her only living relative. Maybe it would've been fun to explore her pull to her only family and have Palpatine try to manipulate her like he did Anakin instead of just "hurr-durr I'm evil" browbeating her. She only beats him because Jedi ghosts she's never met tell her she can. Not because she's learned she can. Rey has never fought anyone the level of Palpatine. She hasn't lost to anyone. All she needed was some ghost moral support and an extra saber and she wins. Huh?
I'm flabbergasted by this DT. I truly am. This trilogy of shit occurred after Peter Jackson gave us 3 LOTR epics and 3 very solid HOBBIT movies. And I'm not looking for a fight on that -- I think Jackson is a genius and the stuff with Smaug in the HOBBIT films was incredible. The bar had been raised from that and GAME OF THRONES (until season 8). Modern myth storytelling had evolved. And with that evolution and bar raised JJ cobbled together a patchwork soft reboot that was destroyed by an enfant terrible in Rian and then handed back to JJ in shards.
Listen -- I'm happy if you saw this film and enjoyed it. It feels more like Star Wars in moments than TLJ ever did. But for me, this was a load of shit. It served so many masters and none of them was the master that mattered the most -- the story.
Everyone deserves to be fired for this.
And imagine if Favreau and Filoni didn't do what they did on Disney Plus. Star Wars would be dead and buried. There is only one way forward. Hand it to those 2 men and let them make all the decisions. Kathleen should never touch Star Wars again. I hope Spielberg doesn't let her do to Indy what she just did to Lucas' original baby. If Spielberg is taking creative notes from her and the LFL Story Group? He should retire immediately.
What a terrible journey this DT has been.
May the salt be with you.
submitted by youraveragejoseph to saltierthancrait [link] [comments]

History of Clifton Hill Part 5 (Final): What Could Have Been, and What Can Still Be

Thank you to everyone who has followed this series or voted for it's creation. I'm glad you've enjoyed it and I'm always happy to spread the important history of the amusement industry, especially pertaining to the place that inspired me to go into the industry. For parts 1-4 scroll back in this sub or click my profile.
In 1989, Welland Securities, who owned the entire south-west side of the Hill, would develop the final portion of unused land on Clifton Hill. They would become HOCO (Harry Oakes Company) and gain ownership of almost all the attractions on land they leased out. This included Movieland, The Space Spiral Tower and the Cliffside Motel. The only attractions that would continue being leased were Ripley's and Circus World, meaning HOCO not only owned all the land on the South-West side of the hill, they now ran everything between Circus World and Ripley's, as well as the Fudge Factory (in its original spot) and an ice cream stand immediately down the hill from Circus World. They planned to keep everything that was on the hill but build on it.
Movieland was remodeled and the outside was given a more noticeable Egyptian theme to match the lobby. This meant large lion statues and Costello's talking pharaoh. The lobby was remodeled as well. Rather than a cameraman and a director filming Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, they would now be filming Costello's Indiana Jones figure, who lowered up and down on a rope above a fogging pit with a cobra rising out of it. Many of the early talkie-era stars in the hall immediately after the entrance (along with Elizabeth Taylor) were moved to 2 large display cases in the middle of the attraction with multiple figures, instead of each one having their own scene. In their original spot just inside the entrance an intentionally scary scene was created to match the popular Indiana Jones series. Many of the figures Costello had added since he became the museum's artist were slightly frightening, like a lunging alligator or a startling Joker scene with a machine gun sound effect. The museum had been expanded at the end, and a large horror section had been added, with many figures like the mummy being from the same mold as the House of Frankenstein/Castle Dracula mummys. Unlike when it would move to it's current location in 2005, the old location's chicken exit was placed before the horror section rather than the haunted house portion. In fact, there was no haunted house section, many of the figures that would end up in the haunted house section of the new location were simply scattered throughout the museum. Many of the figures in the horror section of the original museum were actually less scary and less animated than the Jurassic park scene or the alligator encountered earlier in the museum. To prevent unsuspecting parents who had no clue what kind of attraction this was dragging their children in and expecting static figures of washed-up movie stars, getting the living daylights scared out of them, then end ending up filing complaints with HOCO's customer service department, an intentionally scary scene was put at the beginning. This let people know what they were walking in to, an experience rather than a museum. Costello designed figures behind plexiglass such as a man upside down in a cocoon thrashing around, a skull that popped up from the floorboards in a scene full of snakes, a man on a bed of spikes that fell towards you, and a scene with spiders on fishing line "jumping" all over a rotting corpse.
The Cliffside Motel was amalgamated into a wing of the Quality Inn, and the driveway into it off the hill was removed as it was no longer necessary because it could be accessed from the Quality Inn parking lot. In the driveway's place was now a large empty space between Circus World and Movieland, with the Space Spiral Tower (with a relatively small footprint) stuck in the middle. HOCO called upon attraction design and layout firm White Hutchison Leisure Learning Group (WHLLG) to design an attraction around the Space Spiral that would use the final undeveloped land on Clifton Hill. And so WHLLG designed Dazzleland Family Fun Centre. Dazzleland was a courtyard of buildings arranged in roughly the same layout as the Great Canadian Midway (for reasons we'll get to later) that sits on the land now. The buildings around the outside of the courtyard were long and narrow, picture a courtyard of carnival game trailers but permanent, appealing buildings. These buildings included a Skee-ball building, a sports game building (basketball games, football toss etc.), a racing game building, a pinball building, a funnel cake shop, and the prize counter. In the back corner, roughly where the XD Theatre now is in the midway, was a larger building: an arcade housing video games and more pinball machines. In the middle of the courtyard was a small carousel, and a small building housing games that dispensed their own prizes (claw machines, prize egg games, etc.) and coin-op kiddie rides.
The Space Spiral was incorporated into Dazzleland, still being accessible directly off the hill. As mentioned in part 3, the tower was exactly where the Fudge Factory now is, as the circular store was once the loading area for the tower. At this time the snack bars beside the tower right on the hill were constructed: a pretzel/hotdog stand and an ice cream stand, both of which are still there. The Wendy's was built on top of Circus World, replacing the mini golf that had formerly been on the attraction's roof. Across the entrance to Dazzleland's courtyard from Wendy's was a Domino's Pizza, roughly where the photo booth just to your right is when entering the Great Canadian Midway now. Between the Space Spiral and the Dominos was a fortune teller machine built right into the wall: "Ask the Brain". The brain still lives on inside Movieland, except now he wants a loonie instead of a quarter. Just up the hill from the Space Spiral, on top of the hot dog and ice cream stand, a small sports bar was built. Very little is known about this sports bar, but obvious remnants of it still exists. The area of Boston Pizza closest to the hill (the back corner near the kitchen, the bar area, and the raised dining area) was the originally the sports bar. It featured a small coin-op bowling lane, arcade games, and food. The stairs in the Midway up to Boston Pizza beside Ghostblasters is the original stairs up from Dazzleland to the sports bar. Additionally, the Boston Pizza entrance closer to the hill (not the one with the big bowling pin, other one) was the main entrance to the sports bar. Little is known about the bar, including it's name. It may not have had one, simply being part of the Dazzleland complex. Many of the areas in Dazzleland didn't have a name, simply having signs heralding "Arcade", "Sports Games", "Skeeball" rather than naming the areas like the "Game Factory", "Sports Zone" or "Strike! Rock 'n Bowl" like in the Midway. For this reason, the bar may have been nameless, simply being part of the Dazzleland complex, but it's unlikely a dining establishment geared at adult nightlife wouldn't have a name.
Because the mini golf on Circus World's roof had been operated by the Cliffside Motel operators, HOCO acquired all the assets from it when they stopped leasing the land out. When the aforementioned Wendy's was built, the mini golf was moved just up the hill from the sports bar. It's entrance was right on the hill, but the course wrapped around the sports bar and ran back behind Dazzleland, between the back of Dazzleland and the parking lot of the Quality Inn. It would now be dinosaur themed and heavily landscaped. WHLLG designed the course and HOCO contracted Costello to build all the fiberglass dinosaurs. It's unknown what it's original name was, but in the early 90s, with the smash hit of Jurassic Park, it was renamed Dinosaur Park and given a similar logo. Up until the 2018 remodel, Boston Pizza had a patio. This patio was the exact location of the entrance to the mini golf, and the reason the restaurant's building curved in such a bizarre way surrounding the patio was originally to accommodate the course. Underneath the sports bar and mini golf and was an underground building accessible from a back corner of Dazzleland's courtyard. This area housed all of Dazzleland's miscellaneous ticket redemption games and 2 shooting galleries. The low-ceiling area of the Midway called the "Game Factory" is this original building. The Bonanaza Company shooting gallery is still there albeit heavily remodeled, but Blasteroids, an early project by arcade game company Lazer-Tron, was removed in 2016. Interestingly, the chase lights along the back wall of the Game Factory are Dazzleland holdovers. Between the shooting gallery and where what's left of the racing games now are is a bank of maintenance doors. If you get lucky and see them open, you'll see a stairs that was originally an entrance to Dazzleland from further up the street, beside Dinosaur Park. This now lets out somewhere in Boston Pizza's arcade (although I haven't been able to figure out where) and is used by staff to get from "a" to "b" faster.
Dazzleland has been the hardest to dig up information on in my research on Clifton Hill. Although I now know what was in each of the buildings around the outside of this "courtyard", I haven't been able to find which one was where. The only things I've confirmed is where the video game building was, what was in the building in the middle, and confirmed that the Game Factory was originally part of Dazzleland. The rest is beyond me and my memories of it have long faded. If anyone worked here or visited it frequently and has any answers, they would be greatly appreciated. Additionally there was a small pool near the front with a Costello dragon figure in it that spit water out it's mouth. I've heard conflicting reports that this was just a fountain, and others saying it was a small bumper boat or RC boat attraction, but my guess is it was just a fountain as it seems like a pretty small pool. The same year, fiberglass dragon waterslides were added to the Quality Inn pool. Although bearing striking resemblance to Costello's dinosaurs and Dazzleland dragon, at least one more of each of the dragon slides exist, all the way down in Texas. It was originally thought this Texas waterpark bought them off HOCO when Quality Inn closed, but one of the Quality Inn dragons appeared on an episode of shipping wars going to Kansas and the other was recently found abandoned on a private residential property in Niagara, proving they are in fact not the ones at the Texas waterpark. This is evidence they may have been mass produced.
By the time Dazzleland opened in 1989, it was the 8th arcade on the hill (after Circus World, Q-Balls Billiards Pub in Quality Inn, the arcade in Ripley's, the arcade in the Foxhead, the arcade in Castle Dracula, Funland in the basement of the House of Frankenstein, and an arcade that had recently opened in the Pilgrim Motel in their gift shop.) These were just the large-scale, dedicated arcades right on the hill. Many others could be found nearby in Maple Leaf Village, the Skylon, the Seagram, Pyramid Place and the Imperial Hotel as well as many mini golf courses and family fun centres along Lundy's Ln. and the QEW. Also, virtually every gift shop on Clifton Hill and Victoria Ave. had a game or 2.
The mix of arcades, haunted houses, fast food, nightlife and stores selling t-shirts and posters had started a well-known rock culture in Niagara Falls among Southern Ontario youth. The epicenter of this was "Rock World", a rock-themed gift shop that had opened in 1983 on Centre St. (the street Clifton Hill becomes just above Victoria Ave.) They would later add a second story and build Rock Legends Wax Museum above it, with all the figures sculpted by the store's owner Pasquale Rammuno. In 1996, Maple Leaf Village was replaced by Casino Niagara, and many of the attractions found new homes on Victoria Ave., including Screamers and Nightmares. The Elvis Museum, Antique Auto Museum, 50s diner nightclub, and arcade all moved to Pyramid Place adjacent to the IMAX pyramid. Screamers prospered on Victoria Ave., and 2 "sequel attractions" were built in the early 2000s: Creatures of the Night on Victoria Ave. and Horror Manothe Zombie Zoo Nightclub on Centre St. Another attraction, Alien Encounter, would open at the corner of Victoria Ave. and Clifton Hill beside the Criminals Hall of Fame. This slightly thematically darker "north of the hill" area with the Screamers chain, the Criminals Hall of Fame, Rock Legends, Nightmares and Alien Encounter became a "main strip" all in it's own.
As mentioned before, since the cabin courts were all town down in the early 50s, nothing had been torn down on Clifton Hill. The only exception was the Houdini Hall of Fame that burnt to ash in 1996. Some of Houdini's Last Words were claiming that anything revealing his secrets would perish in flame, and even though the fire completely leveled the museum, the plywood and fiberglass paneled House of Frankenstein only separated from it by a 2-foot wide alley was completely untouched, leading a lot of Houdini's fans to believe he was conducting some kind of post-mortem practical joke. The metal objects like handcuffs and the water tank could be saved, and were bought by David Copperfield. Ripley's Moving Theatre was built in it's place. Over the 30 years from Tussaud's opening in 1959 to Dazzleland in 1989, Clifton Hill had expanded and filled up the land. However that didn't mean it was time to tear things down. Things were simply moved around or remodeled to keep them fresh, not out of an unwillingness to change, but because these things had become ingrained in the landscape. Examples of this were Tussaud's moving to its current home in the old building of a restaurant that had since moved on Victoria Ave., rather than the attraction shutting down, or the Adventure Dome Theatre oepneing in part of the Honeymoon City's gift shop. In Tussaud's old place was built the MGM walkthrough/store, Pink Panther ride and 4D Ride in 2002. The beer garden beside it was replaced with the WWE building and the Piledriver ride, but the beer area was moved to between the 2 attractions. In 2004 the Foxhead's arcade was expanded and re-themed into the Marvel Superheros Adventure City.
Another great example of re-freshing an existing attraction was Dazzleland. A simple realization was made, more games = more money and higher guest enjoyment. The outdoor courtyard style with it's room for walkways between the buildings was re-designed, and HOCO again called upon WHLLG. WHLLG designed not only a remodel of Dazzleland, but an incredible 5-step plan that would have made Clifton Hill financially on par with a major theme park. Steps 1-3 came to fruition. Step 1 was remodeling Dazzleland into the Great Canadian Midway in 2002. The level, concrete foundation Dazzleland was built on was kept as the foundation of the Midway, hence why it has the same layout. The former video game building at the back became the FX Ride Theatre (now XD Theatre/Wild West Coaster) in the Midway. The funnel cake shop was kept where it was in Dazzleland except now it was in the Midway, between the FX Ride and the Prize Counter. The area housing Dazzleland's ticket redemption games became the Game Factory. The middle building housing the claw games and kiddie rides was demolished, as it was no longer needed because the Midway was fully indoors and there was now a massive space to put games. The sports bar was expanded and became Boston Pizza, so Dinosaur Park was moved to in front of the Comfort Inn. Under the expanded Boston Pizza, Sally Corp. was hired to build the interactive Ghostblasters dark ride. All of Dazzleland's old games made the transition into the Midway, however very few are still around.
With the Midway making serious buck, HOCO went ahead with phase 2 of WHLLG's plan. Movieland was moved to Circus World's former location in 2005, and Circus World's owners moved the attraction to what was then the popular Victoria Ave. area. In Movieland's old home, Cosmic Golf, a blacklight golf was temporarily set up. 2 years later in 2007, the golf moved to it's permanent home in the basement becoming Galaxy Golf and the gift shop that had been formerly in the basement was moved upstairs. Movieland retained all the figures and sets they had at the time of the move, moving them all into the new space. All the scary elements were put in the new "House of Horrors", a small optional haunted house at the end of the attraction.
Phase 3 involved beginning to demolish the only thing that WHLLG's 5 phase plan would have torn down: Quality Inn. In it's place an amusement park would have been built, anchored by Canada's largest ferris wheel. The wheel would be phase 3 and the amusement park phase 4. Though both WHLLG and HOCO recognized the historical value of the hotel, it had reasons to go. The hotel may have been full of your usual hazardous mid-century building materials (however Comfort Inn built by the same firm the same year was found to have no hazardous materials when it was torn down in 2015, so who knows) but the main issue was elevators and the amount of space it took up. Comfort Inn only had 2 wings, one on each side of the lobby, and only 2 elevators would have needed to be installed. This wasn't legally necessary, as no law states that buildings of age absolutely have to be 100% accessible, it was more something HOCO wanted to do. Quality Inn had multiple wings that weren't accessible from one another, so an elevator would need to be installed in each wing. In addition to the elevator issue, Comfort Inn was chosen as the hotel to keep because the building was integrated with Kelsey's, Rumors Nightclub, Ripley's, and Dinosaur Park, all of which wouldn't have been touched in WHLLG's 5 phase plan. Finally, Comfort Inn's land wasn't big enough for an amusement park whereas Quality Inn's was. 2 things would justify the demolition of Quality Inn. One, it's sister hotel, Comfort Inn, would have been kept. The other reason justifying the demolition would be phase 5: a skyscraper hotel and indoooutdoor waterpark in the field between Clifton Hill and the Skylon Tower. The dragon figures from Quality Inn's pool were kept in HOCO's storage for a time for this waterpark. The final vision can be seen here.
Phase 3 would go ahead in 2006, with the lobby, Golden Griddle and Q-Balls Billiard pub of Quality Inn being torn down and the Skywheel built in it's place. For the last year Quality Inn was open, you would need to register at Comfort Inn's lobby. The same year, the Space Spiral was torn down, as 2 observation attractions wouldn't be needed on the hill. However, a new spiral tower would have been constructed during phase 4 in the theme park. The reason the tower would be demolished rather than moved was because a tower manufactured by the same company in Wildwood, NJ, had begun to sway a few years earlier, resulting in it needing to be removed entirely for safety reasons. Phase 4 was set to go ahead in 2010, so in 2009 the remainder of Quality Inn was demolished. It seemed as though everything would fall into place, and with the exception of Quality Inn making it's sacrifice, everything on Clifton Hill that had been there for 20-60 years would be there forever, just greatly expanded on.
Unfortunately, this came at a turning point for Clifton Hill, when the recession was in full swing and tourism had declined since 9/11. Changing technology and interests, but no real nostalgia trend yet, created a perfect storm, and the idea was scrapped. Especially now that there would be no amusement park, a lot of area attractions closed. HOCO now needed to find a new design company to completely re-design the project. The problem was, Quality Inn was already torn down to make way for the amusement park. HOCO reluctantly found a new design company who had no projects under their belt yet, IDS. HOCO was hopeful the Canadian company could help give them a similar vision to their previous 5 stage plan, that would help them re-use many of the already implemented stages and despite scrapping the amusement park, would simply scale down and redesign the hotel. This was done in hopes that the city would be much more likely to approve just another high rise hotel than an amusement park as well. IDS' new plan was much different than what HOCO was looking for. It featured tearing down Ripley's, Comfort Inn, Kelsey's, and Rumours Nightclub and building a Titanic Museum shaped like the boat. It also featured building a large mall within the hotel rather than a waterpark and relocating and expanding Dinosaur Park into Dinosaur Adventure Golf on Quality Inn's old land. While HOCO thankfully chose not to go ahead with the mall and Titanic Museum, they would build Dinosaur Adventure Golf and work with IDS to make a more feasible plan that better suited Clifton Hill.
The new plan featured Dinosaur Adventure Golf and Strike! Rock 'n Bowl as phase 1. It also included removing a lot of the thematic brand identity elements WHLLG had implemented to coincide with their final amusement park vision and replacing Galaxy Golf with Wizard's Golf as phase 2. Phase 3 would feature tearing down Comfort Inn (that never got it's elevators due to it no longer being planned to be kept), building Niagara Speedway in it's place, and removing Rumors Nightclub to accommodate the new Kelsey's bathrooms and Zombie Attack. Phase 4 would feature remodelling Wendy's, Boston Pizza and Kelsey's. Phase 5 would feature a mall (no hotel) in the field between Dinosaur Adventure Golf and the Skylon, but this final phase will likely never come to fruition.
Multiple attractions have closed since the late 2000's, such as the entire Screamers chain, Circus World, The Criminals Hall of Fame, Funland Arcade and Alien Encounter. The Hilltop Motel became the current home of the Upside Down House, and the Pilgrim Motel became Captain Jack's. Ironically, the only part of the building that's not part of the entertainment centre is a Mini Mart at the back that was the original arcade in the Pilgrim. Virtually everything in the Falls. Ave. complex other than Rainforest Cafe and the 4D theatre is gone. Marvel Superheroes Adventure City lost its license after Disney bought Marvel, and it simply became Adventure City. The Hulk Mini Golf became jungle themed, Spider-Man references were (poorly) removed from the dark ride, and X-men referenced were (also poorly) removed from the bumper cars. References to Marvel can still be found in the arcade, such as Spider-Man's face on a tree that was only covered up a few years ago. The WWE Store, after being abandoned since 2012, was turned into the Niagara Brewery Beer Store in 2016, fitting considering the land's history as a beer garden. Planet Hollywood on Falls Ave. closed around 2014, and is still abandoned. The MGM walkthrough was abandoned for over 10 years before becoming a barbecue restaurant in 2019.
The changes in the Falls Ave. complex are an example of good change, replacing abandoned attractions with ones that if anything are closer to what used to be there, such as Adventure City becoming an unthemed arcade again or the Beer Store being where the Beer Garden once was. Another example of this good change would be the long abandoned (and burnt) Adventure Dome that had briefly held a Lego attraction being turned into the Amazing Big Top Mirror and Lazer Maze in 2017. However a perfect example of negative change is the Rock Legends Wax Museum being forced out of business because a YouTube video of the museum was flagged for copyrighted music by YouTube's algorithms. This lead Sony Music to investigate the museum and shut it down last year if it wouldn't pay ridiculous licensing fees, which it couldn't afford.
Another example is IDS' redevelopment plan. HOCO is now locked in a contract with them, even though they obviously have very different ideas on the direction of Clifton Hill. Phase 1 was implemented in 2011, with Boston Pizza expanding their arcade to include Strike! Rock 'n Bowl and Dinosaur Park moving to where Quality Inn was and being renamed Dinosaur Adventure Golf. All of Costello's original dinosaurs (with the exception of the original Pterodactyl) would "migrate" to the new location where they would be joined by dozens of new mass-produced dinosaurs. Interestingly, foundations were built back in 2011 for the original 2 Brontosaurs to appear as if they were coming out of the ponds, but they wouldn't show up until 2019 when they were brought back out of storage to be installed, only to lay on the ground for a few months before going back into storage. Although it didn't use new hand-made figures, this attraction was a change that fits the spirit of Clifton Hill and was a good replacement for the empty plot of land that had once housed Quality Inn, even if an amusement park would have been better. The same cannot be said about the rest of IDS' plan. Many thematic elements installed throughout the hill by WHLLG (especially in Movieland and the Midway) were removed in phase 2 in 2013 simply to fit with IDS's image better, costing HOCO a lot of money. Phase 3 went ahead in 2015, and the 60 year old Comfort Inn was demolished, along with the old HOCO offices in it that if you remember from part 1, was the original nearly 200 year old stable building for the Zimmerman estate. Niagara Speedway was built in it's place, and if you look at the prices to drive it, then watch how many people do, you realize just how much they're making off it. Rumors Nightclub, originally the Queen's Door Nightclub in 1956, was gutted and turned into Zombie Attack and the new Kelsey's bathrooms, as the old ones had been in the Comfort Inn building. Phase 4 in 2018 extensively remodeled Wendy's as well as Boston Pizza, removing the patio.
Ghostblasters is now the final untouched WHLLG era attraction on the land. This is made even more troubling by the fact the signs for it were just removed and replaced with temporary ones, as I said in the post that started the entire discussion on whether or not I should do this series. If the attraction does go, we can only hope that a new interactive dark ride utilizing artistry, dimensional scenes and props much like Ghostblasters does is built, however that likely won't be the case. Triotech is the lead designer of ride through shooting games, that feature a dark ride car that travels through a hallway with screens on each side of it rather than real props. Triotech has dealt with HOCO before, building both the Wild West Coaster and Zombie Attack, so all signs point to one of these attractions replacing Ghostblasters if it closes.
There is still hope that Clifton Hill can retain it's spirit, but it stands at a crossroads. The House of Frankenstein for example, while retaining many original scenes, has had many removed and replaced with nothing, and many areas of the museum taken out entirely. Castle Dracula on the other hand hasn't updated a thing, but hasn't cared for the original scenes either, leaving them to fall into disrepair and only having 7 or 8 of the original 70 still lit, and none of them still functional. There are 2 directions Clifton Hill can go. With many attractions like the ones on HOCO's side being demolished to make way for whatever is trendy and lucrative, and many hanging on by a thread like Castle Dracula or Ghostblasters, the Hill is in real danger of becoming an endlessly overturning and developing area. However, with money recently being poured back into attractions like the Haunted House, Ripley's, and Guinness and attractions being redeveloped like the Falls Ave. complex or the Big Top Mirror maze, there is hope. If people, including the companies that own them, can recognise the historical value of attractions like Castle Dracula, The House of Frankenstien, Movieland, Tussaud's, etc., this can be promoted and the recent nostalgia boom can create large profits if this is played up. Additionally, future developments can still be more in the vein of what WHLLG envisioned for Clifton Hill, or what the Burlands recently did with the well done Big Top Mirror Maze. This is both profitable and economically sensible, as repeat customers that make memories and come to the area for generations with occasional new updates/re-themings (like what Clifton Hill did from the 50s-2010s), is far more profitable than a constantly turning over wave of new developments that cost millions to build that changes with each generation.
Thank you to everyone who has followed this series. Sorry for the length of this, but I promised this would be the last installment, so it has to be longer. If you have any information pertaining to Dazzleland or anything you know that I didn't cover in this series, let me know. Additionally, if you would like me to dig up photos on anything that I mentioned in the series, let me know, as unless it's the Dazzleland dragon, I probably have a photo of it. I will likely post many of them here anyway in time. Thanks again.
submitted by G-N-R to niagara [link] [comments]

A list of ideas for Jailbreak that I made instead of doing homework. What do you think?

Role ideas:
Citizen — You spawn into the game with your own house that you can customize (there is some benefit to adding things to your house but i haven’t thought of it yet, also everything added to your house can be robbed by criminals) cops can see your position as well as criminals on the map. You need to follow every law. If you get caught committing a crime (like, you can commit crimes all you want as long as you don’t get caught. You can rob banks and jewelry stores but can’t start the robbery because of the message that you started a robbery. You can’t rob gas station and other small stores and if anyone trips the alarm in museum you will be caught. On other robberies like trains you won’t get caught. ATMs don’t give police notifications so your safe there too. In the factory you will be safe as long as the police don’t see you. After committing a crime police can’t arrest you unless you were caught. If you are caught committing a crime you will automatically switch to criminal. If you get away with a crime and are not caught you will still be considered a citizen and will be viewed as innocent/you can’t get arrested or killed by cops. Upon death you will respawn in your home. If you pickpocket a police officer they won’t know and you’ll still be innocent. If you buy guns the police won’t be notified but if you buy explosives they will. You can only use cars that belong to you or you will be caught. The citizen team color is green. If a citizen kills someone they won’t be caught but if a police is within 50 studs of the murder they will be caught.
Mafia — The role won’t appear on your role selection screen unless you buy it for 450 robux. With this role you will spawn in the mafia base which includes 5 prison cells that do not open (there are ways to escape. If a prisoner escapes the mafia cages the mafia will be notified. If you are in the cage you will be tagged as a prisoner regardless of previous role. When you escape you’ll return to your previous role.) Mafia members can fill these cells by arresting criminals and citizens and prisoners. Mafia can only arrest criminals within 2 minutes after they commit a crime and can only arrest prisoners if the prisoner is carrying any contraband. They can only arrest citizens who have weapons on them. Mafia will be notified of everyone’s position at all time, except for police. Mafia spawn with the following in their inventory: Tommy gun Handcuffs Alternative key card (don’t know a name for it yet. Can be stolen. Grants access to the mafia base.) Mafia members are able to commit crimes. They can only be arrested within 2 minutes of committing a crime unless they are caught in the act, if they are caught committing the crime they can be arrested within 5 minutes of the crime. They are not visible to anyone on any maps. The only people who can see them on the map are other mafia members. There are two mafia bases. Both have 5 cells (so 10 cells total) if all cells are full handcuffs will stop working. When you arrest a player while all cells are full the player will be free and the mafia member will receive a notification that all cells are full. You wont take damage or anything like a cop would unless the player is innocen/does not fit the criteria for an arrest. The first mafia base (the main one) consists of a mafia armory granting access to 2 extra guns, the mafia car (similar to the wraith in terms of being a car with a gun turret, but better and noticeably different. It can hold 4 players. A driver, one in the front passenger seat, one in the gun turret, which is placed off to the side, and comes out of the back left passenger, and one in the back right passenger.) There is also a mafia outfit which is optional to wear. It includes a shirt, pants, a fedora, and one other clothing piece. The second mafia base includes five cells, a mafia armory, a collector, a garage, and a spot to dress out. Unlike normal prisoners, prisoners to the mafia will not be put in prison outfits and will keep the clothes on they had during the arrest. Each mafia cell had a different creative way to escape but the doors to the cell don’t open without a key. The cells escape methods include:
1. Digging your way out with a spoon (the spoon is under the prison bed. you can then stand in the center and click. 100 clicks will get you out.) 2. Breaking out from the wall (the wall is weak and will collapse when you run into it.) 3. Smashing the wall (a hammer is located under the sink. Smash the wall and it will break.) 4. The tunnels (if you hold E on the toilet it will be picked up and moved. Under the toilet there is a tunnel that will lead you out. 5. Crawling out (there’s a small hole in the wall under the bed you can crawl out through) 6. The window (theres a window. punch it then crawl out through it) 7. jumping (there’s a hole in the roof if you jump properly you’ll get out.) 8. Pulling the bars (the bars are weak enough you can pull them apart by pressing and holding E. then you just walk out.) 9. blowing it up (explode the back wall same way as in prison) 10. Making a call (find the phone in the sink and make a phone call wait thirty seconds and someone on the other side will blow it up.) 
Each cell has a different method. You can also get let out by someone with a key. The mafia team color is matte black. As mafia every vehicle you get in defaults to a red and black color scheme unless you have mobile garage but you can change that in the garage.
Superhero/supervillain — This role only appears for you in the role selection screen if you pay 500 robux for it. The superhero role spawns you in the superhero base which is placed on a tall hill on the edge of the main island. inside the superhero base there is a jet that you will be given for free with the game pass. You will also receive a bat mobile looking car with a gun turret controlled by the driver. Superheroes spawn with nothing in their inventory. Inside the base there is a superhero armory with different super suits. This is where you get your powers. The suits don’t have names, and you don’t need to get the suits on if you don’t want. you’ll get the powers from standing on the platform in front of the suit. A tube will come down and surround you for a second. You will be lifted off the ground. after a second the tube will go back into the roof and you will have your powers. If you want the suit you can still click on it though. You can only have one power at a time. The different powers include:
1. Super speed, fast enough to walk on water while sprinting. 2. Invisibility. To activate, just hold the superpower button (not sure which one it is but it’s one of the easy to reach unused buttons.) 3. Flight. It only lasts for so long though. To use double jump. 4. Later vision. To use, press the power button. 5. Fire. Throws a massive fire ball at the direction you want. Press the superpower button to get a fireball then aim it the same way you do a gun. Click to throw. Double press the superpower button to engulf yourself in flames, damaging everyone you run into and leaving a flaming trail where you run. 6. Ice. Let’s you throw shards of ice same way as fire. Double jump to create an ice path allowing you to walk on air and water. 7. Teleportation. Press the power button then a yellow circle will appear around you. You can teleport anywhere in the yellow circle. 8. Electricity. Travel through power lines and telephone lines. Turn off electricity at will. This includes security during robberies. The electric shut down lasts 5 seconds and has a really long cool down. 
Superheroes can commit crimes to become super villains. Supervillains have all the same traits as criminals except they have powers. In the supervillain base where they spawn, there is all the same stuff as a criminal base but it also gives you dark versions of the super suits as well as all the same superpowers. Supervillains also get the jet and the car still. If killed by a superhero you will be automatically arrested and if killed by a villain nothing happens. If a villain is arrested they lose all their powers. Same thing happens when killed. This goes for heroes too. Superhero team color is yellow supervillains are purple. Supervillain bass is located underground in an island separate from the rest of the map. In the center of the base there is a bomb. If you press and hold E on it for 0.5 seconds it opens a menu allowing you to drop the bomb on any part of the map. You do not get to see if anyone is there though. The bomb will deal damage to everyone in the area regardless of team. Heroes can damage prisoners and criminals and mafia. Villains can damage police and citizens. Only villains can access the villain base and only heroes can access the hero base.
[This one is a sort of bad idea but whatever] Military — Military spawn in the military base on the jungle island. They have access to 5 different military uniforms. 4 are camo. They spawn with 2 different exclusive military guns and have access to 5 more in the armory. These include:
AR (spawned with) Sniper Alt. shotgun Mini gun Alt pistol (spawned with) Grenade launcher Air strike (same as villain’s bomb but you can carry it around. It has a 3 minute cool down and the area you can strike is the 2x same size as the part of the bank that you earn money in. They also receive 3 free vehicles: Tank (carries 3 players. Driver, passenger, and cannon person. The cannon can deal enough damage to kill a player and leaves behind fire. The one manning the turret pays for explosives. You get 3 explosives before you have to pay $5000 for more.) Army truck (same as normal truck but it carries up to 12 people) Military ship (smaller version of warships. holds 5 players. Driver passenger and 3 people to man 3 turrets.) The military can kill criminals and villains. Upon getting killed by military you will respawn in prison and military takes your bounty. Military color is dark green.
Car dealership— The cars outside are worth nothing, they are just normal cars that you can buy. On the inside of the car dealership there is a collection of cars, behind security lasers and such. The cars there are completely random. Each time you will be faced with different random cars. All the cars though, Are cars that can be bought in the game. You have to pick one car. The more expensive in game the better. When you pick the car, you are able to drive it, it doesn’t matter if you own the car or not you can drive it during a robbery. Once you have it, you need to drive it out of the dealership. You need to avoid security lasers because every time you run into one the value of the car decreases. You also need to follow road laws because every time you crash the value decreases. As soon as you exit the dealership with the car the police are notified (this means you cannot rob it as a citizen.) and they will also be aware of your exact location until you deliver the car to the collector in the criminal base. As a citizen you can still rob the dealership as long as you stay in the passenger seat. As a passenger in a robbery you will receive 1/2 the amount the driver gets. To determine the amount you earn from the robbery, you will receive 1/5 the price of the car -1/10 the original earnings for every crash. So if you’re stealing a lambo, you will earn 20,000 for the robbery, but every crash would cost you 2,000. Due to the placement of the lasers it’s nearly impossible not to crash at least twice so don’t get your hopes up about earning the full amount of the car. The more expensive the car is the rarer it will appear so don’t plan on stealing a lambo every time. To complete the robbery you need to deliver the car to the collector at your mafia base or criminal base (supervillain base isn’t car accessible and has no collector.)
ATM — There are ATMS scattered around the map. 7 in the city, 8 in the rest of the main island outside the city. To rob an ATM you walk up to it and press and hold E for 8 seconds. Police will not be notified of the robbery and you will earn a random amount of money. The minimum possible is $200 and the maximum is $5000. There is no chance to it it’s completely random. Although police won’t be notified you will be visible on their maps until 30 seconds after the robbery is complete.
Passenger plane — The boarding and exiting is the same as on the cargo plane, but the robbery part is the same as on the passenger train. The limit for cash this time is $4500
House — Criminals and other people on that side can rob citizen houses and apartments (which always come for free. The floor plan and decoration never changes but the placement is always different. Sometimes it’s an apartment other times it’s a house.) Citizens can lose money from having their home robbed (if you’re a criminal that started as a citizen you keep the house, also if you’re a prisoner that started as a citizen. as long as you have a home you’ll lose money if you get it robbed) citizens can pay for security to get their homes safer and more difficult to rob. The amount you lose will be the same amount the robber earns. If they steal more than you have then you will go into debt. Security includes cameras which notify you if your home is getting robbed (you will be notified of who it is but the cops won’t know) lasers which damage the robber and notify you and police ( the more you pay the more damage they deal.) traps which damage the robber, and security alarms which notify you and police as soon as your door is even opened while you’re not home. The door security is hidden and untraceable too. Robbers can steal anything that the owner has bought. For every object they steal they earn 1/2 the price of it for completing the robbery by giving it to the collector. If the robber is arrested before completing the robbery then the citizen gets the money back. There are several points of entry: chimney, door, window, and for apartments, balcony.
Criminal base raid — This robbery is only available for police, heroes, mafia, and military. During a raid, police will enter the criminal base and break open the door with explosives (press and hold he for 5 seconds) to commit the robbery/raid, at the volcano base, you blow the door, and press and hold E on all of the collectors to get the money from them. You will get all the earnings from the most recent robbery completed with that collector. The raids inconvenience criminals and villains in some way that would motivate them just enough to want to protect the base during a raid. During a raid police heroes and mafia can kill any criminals in the base as well for extra cash. They will receive 1.5x the bounty. from killing criminals in raids and will earn 2x the bounty for arrests. After the door is blown all criminals will receive notice of the raid being started. During a raid police can also confiscate the guns for +$200 per gun and have access to the level 10 area regardless of actual level. To raid the city base you start by confiscating the guns in the criminal base. Every crate in the base can be raided for +$500 to +$1000.As well as a bonus chest in the building of the criminal base that gives the police all the earnings from the most recent jewelry robbery. The criminals still profit police the same way. Police can raid the crates at the air place to receive the earnings from the past robbery there as well. There is a 5 minute break in between every raid. During the jungle criminal base raid (a third base on the military island opposite to the position of the military base) police can raid the collectors again as well as raiding the hidden cash vaults granting all the earnings from the most recent bank and train robberies. Heroes can raid the villain base but police can’t. To begin a villain base robbery you need to blow down the door using your powers (every power has a way of blowing down the door except invisibility so invisibility people can use bombs)
The mall — A collection of 15+ different stores which can be robbed the same way as the donut shop. Upon robbing one police are notified you’re robbing the mall. The stores include: ⁃ 4 clothing stores (automatically dresses you out) ⁃ 3 restaurants (gives pizza from one, burgers from another, and coffee from the third. Pizza and burgers heal you coffee speeds up your sprinting speed by 5% for 30 seconds and can be consumed 3 times) ⁃ 3 furniture stores (gives nothing) ⁃ 2 cosmetic stores (gives nothing) ⁃ 3 shop stands (give nothing) ⁃ 3 tech shops (gives a phone which allows you to call up players, allowing them to choose to teleport to you or decline to do so) ⁃ 1 art exhibit (gives nothing) ⁃ 3 candy shops (one gives a lollipop, which heals you and gives you a faster running speed and higher jumps for 30 seconds, one gives a chocolate bar which heals and one gives a hard candy which heals) ⁃ 2 game shops (give nothing) ⁃ 1 toy store (gives a teddy bear that does nothing) the mall is always open but the stores have the same cool down as the gas station. When they are closed they will have the thing showing it’s closed the same way as in real malls.
Gun shop — Players visit it all the time in jailbreak. upon robbing the cash register you will be rewarded with the amount of money that the guns taken from the past players combined cost (so if player 1 came and took a $5,000 shotgun you earn $5000 from robbing the gun shop)
Cargo ship — (Can enter from riding a boat to the side and climbing a ladder or by jumping on it when it goes under the bridge. Police are notified when you enter a crate. Standing in a crate gives you up to $1000 and gives $100 per second. You can rob up to 5 crates. The bags limit you by crates robbed not by money. The boat never disappears it moves constantly between the main island the jungle island and the prison island. After a crate is robbed that crate disappears. The boat stops at a dock at all three islands to restock. There are 20 crates normally. To get off you can jump and swim to shore or wait until the boat reaches a dock and get off there. The robbery ends when you get to shore anywhere. Because the boat never disappears it’s technically always open but you have limited crates.
Casino — The casino can be entered when it’s open and when it’s closed. While closed the casino is filled with casino machines that actually work, allowing you to gamble your money. In the back the casino has a spot that is only available when closed. The ceiling is glass and can be broken so you can fall through (be careful of fall damage) Head to the back and you will see a floor of lasers. Dodge the lasers and make your way to the vault. There you will find a code locking the vault door. To get the code you need to dodge the lasers and make your way to the room upstairs. There is an office there with a computer. Hold E to hack the computer and you will get the code. Go back down and enter the code. Now just stand there and earn money bank style. Exit the casino to complete the robbery. In order to get busted a cop has to enter the vault.
Pickpocketing — Criminals can pickpocket other criminals the same way they would with police. They can steal small objects such as pistols or binoculars as well as stealing money. The money you steal is always >$100 and if you’re stealing from criminals, they won’t lose anything. The money you steal comes from their bounty, and the other objects you steal will be given to you but still stay in their inventory. (this would be a great way to get force field guns and swords if you can’t afford them!) when pickpocketing citizens you will take from their actual money because they have no bounty. Pickpocketing mafia gives a chance at receiving the mafia key card. Also, players cannot pickpocket the same person twice in one minute (unless it’s a cop or mafia because key cards but you can’t pickpocket anything from mafia except for key cards pistols and chocolate)
Spaceship — appears once every five minutes. to rob it you need to load onto it while it’s open and then wait until liftoff. There is a vault in the back filled with rocket fuel which powers the ship. Use some rocket fuel to get back to earth and keep some for yourself. Each container of rocket fuel is worth $500 and about 1/3 of it is needed for the ship to return to earth. There are 15 containers. You can carry as much as you want regardless of bag size but you need to leave 1/3 for the ship. When you return home, give the rocket fuel to the collector to get your money. The longer you take collecting fuel the farther from earth you get. You need to pilot the ship and steer it home. for every 10 seconds spent collecting that’s another 1/3 of fuel needed to return. To return home just sit in the seat and it will move on it’s own. To arrest criminals during the robbery, police would have to stow away on the trip and arrest them which is possible. In the airship there is no gravity and the ship is big which i think would make for some interesting fight mechanics between crims and cops. Explosives and superpowers won’t work in there as they will just cause a tear in the ship and kill all the passengers. You can also escape the ship by putting on a space suit and opening the airlock. Then you will slowly fall back into earth. There’s a 1/2 chance of surviving the part where you enter earths atmosphere and if you do survive you’ll be badly damaged. Use a parachute to avoid death on your way down.
City Central vault — A large building in the middle of the city where upon entry opens a massive vault. To break in you place explosives on the door. After that you need to open the vault by pulling 3 different levers, places on opposite ends of a laser filled room. Stand in the vault to earn $100 per second and the maximum amount of money is $10,000. If the police manage to trap you in the vault by pulling all the levers back you will be arrested. If they step into the vault nothing happens but they are still close enough to arrest.
The mine — An entirely underground mine where players will have to steal gold and other precious gems from the mine, while at the same time they need to be careful. The mine is like playing Jenga and stealing the wrong rock can cause everything to collapse and kill you. If successful, robbers will earn up to 7,000 for completing the robbery by delivering it to the collector. If the police enter the mine, they need to be careful too. One wrong step or one missed shot can cause the cave to collapse again. Explosives are dangerous here too.
Tech store — Criminals enter from the bottom, grab electronics into their bag (not a normal bag though, it can be dropped/put down by pressing the superpower button, which, since villains can’t use their powers while carrying the bag, still works). Carry the bags to the top of the building after dodging lasers and such. Then shoot the glass on top and jump out (with your bag) take the bag to the city base to finish the robbery.
Night club — Similar to the bank but no lasers, to enter you need to sneak in through the back of just avoid the main entrance. Once your in, make your way to the vault on the bottom floor. On the main floor with the nightclub there is nothing in your way and it’s not even considered a robbery yet. Once you get to the second floor (below the first floor) you will start having obstacles that get more and more difficult until you reach the vault. Same thing as the bank from there.
Temple — On a (third island???) there is a desert with a temple in the center. Enter the temple from the main entrance (when closed the entrance will look caved in) and dodge old movie like traps on your way down. You’ll have to run from massive boulder like Indiana Jones, there will be a water trap where you have to avoid pressure plates or else you’ll drown, there will be poison dart traps, etc. At the bottom of the temple there is an idol you can take worth $6,500. Take it, escape back to the exit, and deliver the idol to the collector to earn the money.
submitted by ParallelGalaxiies to robloxjailbreak [link] [comments]

We Are Energy Beings! Recap of S07E11

This season deserves a special award for inspiring flat-line boredom, with each storyline offering at least one awful person dripping poison over anyone kind or thoughtful.
Natalie: Mike wants for me to be the bad one. What is this farce?
Mike: I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the I DON’T LOVE YOU.
When we last saw Mike, Natalie was spring cleaning his self-esteem the Marie Kondo way, except she torched everything that sparked joy to make room for more misery. Now he’s outside wondering why science hasn’t granted him the ability to beam onto an airplane to spare him the insult of standing in a Ukraine alleyway, waiting for his maybe-fiancée to flounce down the stairs and demand an apology for…something. Natalie, Our Lady of 1,000 Bluffs, somehow finds the strength and courage to amble down the stairs and sit in the backseat of an Uber for a melancholy airport adventure.
Natalie: Mike, everything is good. You must calm down and stop being so dramatic. This is gaslight like in movies. Now I must cure you of hysteria with vibrators and Valium.
Mike: I mean, do we have to keep filming? What if I jump out while the car is moving? Can that be your final scene?
Natalie thinks that in a perfect world Mike would apologize just for sport and then sweep her off her feet, which should be easy since they’re never on the ground. After several awkward airport moments Mike tells Natalie that he’ll call her later, but he needs time for detox and an exorcism. Natalie remains confused that Mike thought she loved him, based on the 30,000 times she said “I love you,” when he should have been able to read her rapidly changing narrative and anticipate ongoing rewrites. She approaches Mike to pretend she doesn’t know what’s going on, but Mike isn’t falling for that shit. He asks for a goodbye hug, she says no, and Mike bounces. Natalie sulks off to find her people in the Land of Bad Decisions, where Tania is waiting for her upon a throne of skulls.
Back home and no longer engaged, Mike is making pancakes for himself and Uncle Beau. Beau comes rushing in the door to ask Mike how the trip was, and to announce that he lost $25 at the casino last night and needs to borrow from the bank of Mike. So um…Mike’s entire life is apparently like this. Can Mike and Syngin get a beer together please?
Blake: I have friends.
Jasmin: I don’t care if Blake’s friends like me. I also don’t care if Blake likes me.
Blake is getting ready for his friend Everett’s birthday party, while Jasmin warms up her excuses for dodging it. Jasmin knows this party was the plan from the start, but decides against being a good introvert who tells him to go without her and to just enjoy himself. Instead, she attempts to smash Blake’s social butterfly in favor of a sober conversation about yoga and tea. She asks Blake if they can skip the pre-party dinner and just eat together, which Blake agrees to with the caveat that he will continue to express his dismay. Blake orders a drink, and Jasmin reminds him that you can’t talk to Jesus when you’re drunk.
Jasmin latches on to Blake drinking as her excuse for avoiding phase 2 of the evening’s pseudo-social interaction. She says she’s going to call her sister instead and pretend to be mad at him while being secretly relieved to enjoy blissful time away from his flock. What remains of Blake’s sense of humor about this situation gets lost trying to escape his hair. Jasmin tells the cameras that it’s selfish to ask her to go to a party, and totally forgets the part where it’s selfish to derail his plans because that plan is something she doesn’t want to do. Blake says that he’s tired of explaining her behavior to his friends. Neither one of these two is capable of having an adult argument, and are likely on a relationship subreddit as I type, posting a totally balanced report of their latest immature interaction.
Jasmin arrives at Janette’s clinical apartment, and declares that Blake refuses to do anything that interests her, because “everything is always about Blake.” She says that Finnish folks are calmer, while Janette tells her that she needs to keep trying to adapt, and by “keep trying” she means try at all.
Tania: Okay guys, I get it, I’m like, the villain here. Did anyone else just feel a weird rush of glee? That must be Mercury in douchebag and Mars going direct into asshole.
Totally grounded and focused financial wizard Fucking Tania has put her trusty pink shirt in time-out, for a responsible and goal-oriented phone call to an astrologer with a predictable funny name. But not before Syngin fetches precise room temperature water for her to swallow with her lizard tongue to maintain the skin suit that presents some approximation of humanity.
Syngin calls his mother to gather the data necessary for someone to cold-read Tania over Skype, and his mom clarifies that he was born at “twenty to three.” Resident expert Tania mansplains that this means 2:40, and this is apparently how she will feel superior today.
“We are energy beings,” Tania tanias. “And I was born at a certain time for a certain reason, and that reason is to vampire every shred of joy from Syngin’s twinkling soul.”
“Marie Kondo,” Natalia pipes in. “Clean out all of the joy.”
Astrologist Daizy October picked that name on purpose, and tells Tania something about “blueprints of the soul” which makes the first shelf of the New Age section of the bookstore start vibrating. She declares that Sagittarius is the archetype of travel, which is what one would say to someone who can afford Costa Rica but not a shed of one’s own.
Daizy: Now Mars in Scorpio, and Tania is in existence, which means there’s going to be some fighting, and sex is important. Syngin, blink if you need help.
Syngin: Oh yes.
Fucking Tania: Is that blood in the water? No wonder I’m hungry.
Syngin: By “oh yes” I meant yes, I need help.
Ms. October says that their souls bring them together, which would make sense if Tania had one, and asks if they’re soulmates. Syngin says their connection is so vivid he feels like he’s met her before, and then he died to escape her. Tania looks drunk on hurting Syngin, and pushes it further by insisting her first love was her soulmate, and he still is, even though she hasn’t been with that dude for like 8 years or so, and the restraining order keeps getting renewed over and over again. Syngin points out that they met in a star-crossed way, foolishly failing to note that hurting him is Tania’s entire objective.
“I feel like I don’t know what to say, because anything I say will hurt you, which is why I can’t stop laughing. I’m fine,” Tania reports. Then Syngin tells the cameras he needs a break to restore his essence, and Tania hovers in the doorway, eagerly anticipating the chance to harvest from him all over again.
So to recap: Tania, who trusts in the universe, does not trust that the universe gifted her Syngin, but instead believes that eventually she’ll be regifted the tattered remains of her original bottom, who has likely moved on to other astral alignments, and a thousand mile away zip code. Yep, this is pretty on brand for Tania.
Angela: I’m not the bad guy, I’m a tax payer!
Michael: I have a shopping list.
Angela’s chest is newly covered in an ancient pirate treasure map, guiding strangers to the booty in her bra. Her plan is to storm the American embassy and assert her tax payer status as a means of pushing this K-1 process forward. After ambling through the gates and harassing multiple members of security, she emerges and bellows to Michael. She says they wouldn’t let her into the embassy since she doesn’t have an appointment, and strangely, they don’t consider a white lady demanding a K-1 an emergency. Maybe she needed to explain that she’s working with the alternative reality where she can carry a child, and they wouldn’t give her Botox in her uterus.
The next day they go to Michael’s uncle’s house for dinner, but first they have to stop and pick up a microwave for Michael’s mother. Angela is worried that the material expectations increase with every dinner, and says that the gifts can’t keep growing in value.
“Please Angela. We need to present a love and respect microwave,” Michael persuades.
The man working at the store states a price far more than the microwave is worth, and then Michael says he should price it less because they’re going to get something else, too. This is his way of surprising Angela with a required gift for his uncle. She tells the shopkeeper that she’s got 15,000 stored under her best titty, and he should take it and call it good now that she’s his African sister. Okay then. The guy takes it, and she walks away with a microwave and kettle.
Angela is happy to visit his family, especially Michael’s mother, whom she loves so much. As the most junior, or newest, wife, Angela is expected to help cook and serve as a sign of humility. She awkwardly works on plantains while Michael insists he’s not expecting much in terms of domesticity once they are stateside, but he will expect her to cook, in addition to being the only breadwinner and caretaker for a bushel basket of people. Even the producer laughs, because the only thing Angela will be cooking in Georgia is Michael if he maintains that ridiculous idea.
Michael’s family starts asking about their wedding plans, and Angela explains that the K-1 is her family’s only opportunity to see her get hitched. They are eager for Michael to have a child with Angela’s ashy uterus, and his whole family starts weighing in on the matter, which nudges Angela right to the edge. She somehow keeps her mouth shut and remains respectful, even after Uncle says that if it doesn’t work Michael should move on to the next baby basket, which is a regional woman unlikely to arrive with household appliances. Are they trying to get on Maury? If you listen closely you can hear Angela’s internal kettle whistling away, and her microwave chiming ding-ding-ding.
Emily: You don’t have to be a Debbie Downer!
Betsy: I will be one ASAP!
Emily has freed Sasha from the clutches of Indiana in favor of her fake hometown Portland, where she takes him to Washington Park’s Rose Garden to show him how shitty west coast cities are, amirite Trump? Emily says that it’s going to be expensive to go from two-for-one Indiana to Portland’s most expensive suburb, confirming my suspicion that she’s from Lake Oswego, where Real Housewives ferment until their first divorce and rehab stint. This is good news for Sasha, who is very likely to find a wealth of personal training clients and his fourth wife there. Emily says they should get married ASAP, and Sasha agrees without knowing what ASAP means.
“After two weddings, third not so much,” Sasha shrugs. “Fourth will be court house. Fifth, maybe commitment ceremony.”
Emily heads back to scenic South Bend to save hundreds of dollars on a wedding dress. She says she’s leaning towards the Oregon coast as a wedding location, which makes sense if you don’t know that every venue from Brookings to Astoria is booked ages in advance, but she wouldn’t be the first or last person to turn that AirBnB into Plan A and Plan B. Emily’s sister is there to remind her that every idea she has about her impending nuptials is wrong, which is not fair to Emily, who knows every lace dress is better with piercing wind and sand. The salesperson hides in the dressing room from their endless passive-aggressive sparring, before coming out to place a veil and headpiece on Emily and make Betsy cry.
Robert: I’m terrible. Why are you always complaining?
Anny: I would like to go out with Robin or Mike now please.
Hey guys, you know how 90DF always has one trashy, delusional family that believes the fiancé is there to steal their no-money? Well, this round it’s fucking Robert, father of five who appears to be largely free from the burdens of child support...or who perhaps opts for tax-free employment for those very reasons. He’s dragging Anny and the other person who is nice to her (his sister Robin) to a restaurant to meet up with his equally-awful brother Kenny. Robin says that Bryson loves Anny and that she really likes her too, while Kenny gets busy disrespecting and humiliating her before she can work a “hello” out of her mouth.
Kenny wants to know how she’ll be in the future, and Anny suspects he doesn’t know what year it is, so she reminds him that they live in the present, and what matters is how they treat each other now. In response, Kenny says he’s not sure if he’s going to their wedding at all, carrying on the 9DF tradition of families that fail to notice it isn’t all about them.
Now fully defensive and uneasy, Anny asks if Kenny is cheap too, and Robin assures Anny that she wouldn’t be a fan of a thrift store shopping spree, either. This gets in the way of Robert and Kenny’s plan to disrespect women in public places, so Kenny asks if she always complains a lot. Anny corrects him that her issue is that Robert lies, and told her he had three kids instead of five, in addition to making endless empty promises of clothing, an apartment, and any expression of affection whatsoever. Kenny says that he has seven kids, which isn’t normally something you play as clap-back, but okay Kenny. Yes, seven is greater than five.
Anny has had it with them and their apparent plan to overpopulate the planet, and leaves and says that she feels alone. “That’s not the way you talk when you love somebody,” she says, speaking truth.
“Well, my fiancé only loves me on Thursdays. Do you want to get a beer with me and Syngin?” Mike is there for her.
Juliana: In this story, my family appears to be the villains, and this makes me sad.
Michael: I’m rich but my tux doesn’t fit.
On the day of the wedding, Max and CeCe are in conference about the gravity of the forthcoming nuptials, in between mugs of stiff black coffee and plates of almond biscotti.
CeCe: I’m feeling moderately uneasy, due to rigid societal expectations of appropriate age disparity. Surely if this were the era of Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” this wouldn’t even muddy my mind, but given the unfortunate modern conviction that a second spouse serves as an accessory and not a person, we have some educating to do.
Max: This seems a prudent way to address the offensive tongue of your friend Dakota, who has lived a sheltered life free from parental relationship development and sexual exploration. For now, I’ll simply relish the opportunity to wax poetic on their enduring love once mother has concluded her oratory.
CeCe: I have some concerns about you being assigned this important role, while I am relegated to the background. Is this sibling rivalry? Not very becoming of me, I’m sure.
Max: I validate your feelings of envy, but as the elder sibling I am allotted a generous portion of gloating which will carry all the way into the late stages of my adulthood.
CeCe: Is that when you argue with your wife about 401K distribution while I go to Burning Man in a modified school bus?
Max: Do you bite your thumb at me?
CeCe: I do bite my thumb at you, sir!
Meanwhile, Juliana’s friend Pao is there (no, not that Pao, who is only friends with Juan) along with her friend Cousy, who Juliana describes as like a second mom. Cousy lives in Milan, where Juliana met her during a modeling gig, and she sprung for the ticket to ease Juliana’s loneliness on her special day. In Michael’s wedding prep, we learn that he bought two tuxedos, and decides to wear the one that fits. Juliana wishes her mother could see her in her wedding dress, or was capable of acknowledging her existence when she’s not buying a car for her sister.
A gorgeous clear tent is set up to welcome wedding guests, all but two of which are friends or family of Michael. CeCe is on deck to tell Juliana she looks so pretty, while Max gives Michael a pep talk about toxic masculinity and exploring romantic relationships with an open heart. Cousy then hands her phone to Juliana to share a video she made of messages from Juliana’s friends who want to wish her well. Juliana keeps waiting for a relative to appear in this video, but it doesn’t happen, because apparently Juliana’s family has plenty of narcissists. Or maybe they’re hiding in the wings until the next episode? Either way, the family doesn’t so much as text her, and in the face of this intentional cruelty Juliana starts crying and struggles to stop, thawing the thickest layer of our cold black hearts.
Next time, Jasmin says she doesn’t want to work or smile or breathe, Sasha promises to love his third wife until he doesn’t, Juliana braces to be married by her future husband’s ex-wife, while Syngin finds a friend to mouth “help me” to when Tania is sleeping safely in her coffin.
Thank you Patreon supporters! Follow the link in my bio to bathe in my toxic pool!
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