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I went through 700 reddit comments and collected 131 ADHD pro-tips!

So there was that awesome Reddit thread with a bunch of ADHD'ers sharing real tips that have changed their life.
I thought it was a great change from most advice on the internet which is written by non-ADHD'ers (and it's painfully obvious that it is).
I read through the 700+ comments and paraphrased, merged and categorised all the tips.

The 131 tips are split into the following categories:


🌟 My Favourite: Enjoy the journey more than the destination, don’t be in a hurry to finish something you are doing, but always at least do something small everyday. Life is not a race, rather, it is an accumulation of smaller improvements to oneself. ~ (u/ksettle)
People are in such a rush these days… You can’t expect to become a superhuman overnight. Focus on sustainability first and enjoy the journey.


🌟 My Favourite: Listen to podcasts/audiobooks when doing chores. My excitement to listen to a new episode of my favorite podcast motivates me to do boring stuff like dishes or laundry. (I personally listen to podcasts) ~ (u/dani-tp)
Cleaning became so easy once I started using a “side” to stimulate my brain. I’m mostly watching TV shows when I clean right now (this also works for cooking!) .


🌟 My Favourite: Use Spaced Repetition to study for your exams, remember things about people in your life, and literally everything you can possibly make a flashcard for. ~ (u/beatadhd)
Is it narcisstic to put my own tip as a favourite? Well who cares, it works! Spaced repetition is fantastic and honestly feels like cheating*. There are a lot of free tools out there which work great. I’m currently using my own private tool* 😉

Time Blindness

🌟 My Favourite: Get an electric toothbrush with a timer. ADHD people have time blindness and it’ll make sure you brush for at least two minutes. ~ (u/insaxon)
Yes. Two minutes can feel like two hours for me. Or I’ll brush for 20 seconds and think five minutes has passed. I can’t trust my brain, so I started using an electric toothbrush with a timer


🌟 My Favourite: Use a noise-cancelling headset and listen to music/white noise/brown noise. Enables hyperfocus and blocks out distractions (“I don’t regret getting diagnosed late, but I do regret getting noise cancelling headphones that late in life.”) ~ (u/rn7889)
Stop scrolling right now and go buy the noise-cancelling headset. A noise-cancelling headset + some noise like music/brown noise is essential if you have ADHD. Feel free to thank me later once your life changes.
If the headset isn't in your budget: Brown noise + earphones will get you 80% of the way there.

Getting Things Done

🌟 My Favourite: Body doubling - if you need to do some work that requires focus without much fun, have someone in the room with you. They could be working too, or not. Just having them there makes everything just a little more interesting and a little more accountable. ~ (u/Creebjeez)
I feel like a lot of people are missing some sort of accountability system in their lives. I don’t do body doubling but I use Beeminder to keep me accountable.

Emotional Dysregulation

🌟 My Favourite: You’re allowed to let things go. Forget irrelevant things and forgive yourself. Ignore the awkward thing you did last week. Life will move on. ~ (u/bitetheboxer, u/optimisticaspie)
Stop hating yourself. Don’t look at the future. Don’t look at the past. Look at the present. I used to always hate myself for being so unproductive. I realised how pointless that was and I started to focus on improving myself in the present.


🌟 My Favourite: Set two alarms when you get up in the morning. One to get out of bed and one for your medication. e.g: 5:30 AM wake up and take medication and then fall back to bed. By your 6AM alarm you’ll have waken up and your meds will have kicked in ~ (u/BizzarduousTask)
What a great lifehack. I’ve been doing this the past few days (except I don’t wake up at 6AM) - it works pretty well. Also I throw my phone on the other side of the room so it forces me to get out of bed.


🌟 My Favourite: For maintaining eye contact: Imagine a red dot on someone’s nose for intense focus. Bridge of the nose for paying attention. ~ (u/asmugone)
Haven’t tried this one but I used to have trouble with eye contact a few years ago so this stood out to me. I’m pretty good with eye contact now, but I’ll be trying it over the next few weeks anyway.


🌟 My Favourite: Learn to say no to taking on things that you know may cause you stress and excess pressure just because it’s money. It is not worth it, just put the boundaries that will save your mental health in the first place and you won’t have to deal with the fallout later. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. ~ (u/Somewhereonabike)
God yes… ADHD people have a dangerous habit of overcommitting to stuff. Personally I think I just forget that I’m already working on X, Y and Z. Sustainability is important - don’t overcommit.


🌟 My Favourite: Visit your school's inclusivity and disability team. They will hopefully have policies for helping people with ADHD ~ (u/beatadhd)
This is something I never took advantage of while at University, but I probably should have. A few assignment extensions when my meds stopped working would have saved me from countless all nighters…

Executive Function

🌟 My Favourite: On tough days. Use the 1-thing theory. Just try and accomplish just one-thing for that day. e.g. Clean the kitchen. ~ (u/soggysocks63, u/GoodGuyVik)
A bit less life-hacky compared to the others but I’ve found that getting started is a lot easier when you only have a single priority.


🌟 My Favourite: Use a 7-day pill organiser with AM/PM slots and put your medication and supplements there. ~ (u/ImprovedMeyerLemon)
I know a lot of people have issues with remembering if they took their medication. This is an easy, simple and cheap fix.
submitted by beatadhd to ADHD [link] [comments]

[Table] I am Dave Plummer, author of Windows Task Manager, Zip Folders, and worked on Space Cadet Pinball, Media Center, Windows Shell, MS-DOS, OLE32, WPA, and more. (pt 2/2 FINAL)

Source | Previous table
Note: Some of the question-taker's answers were also removed along with corresponding questions, and they have not been recovered below.
Questions Answers
What is a typical day in your life like? I get up at 4:30. I watch some YouTube, do some email, work on my writing or similar. I head to the gym at 7, shower and start my day around 8. I work in my home office or shop/lab, code and work on stuff, throughout the day. I could be busy all the way through to 8-9PM if I'm wrapped up in something, but not usually that busy.
the below is a reply to the above
You get up at 4:30 AM? Wow. Have you always been a morning person? Are other people on your team morning people so you decided to start early? I’m asking this because it seems like a lot of successful people wake up very early and work out before starting their workday. No, I never was until my neck injury. While recovering I couldn't sleep more than about 4-5 hours max and just got into the habit. Since it was so productive for me, I just kept it up!
the below is a reply to the above
Thanks for sharing. I wish you good health. Thanks!
Did you create Robocopy, or know who did? I use that very regularly and much more efficient than using the GUI. The secret dirt is that Robocopy was first written by MS colleague Kevin Allen, and he started sharing copies around in 1994ish. From there, and after many iterations and heavy-duty real-world feedback, robocopy ended up in the Windows Resource Kit, and then later merged into the core Windows package. In the beginning, Kevin was a very experienced programmer, but new to the Win32 API; so robocopy was one of his projects to educate himself about Windows programming. Later on, ITG used robocopy to routinely transfer many gigabytes of data around MS global offices, every night; it became very robust and battle-hardened. It is a long time now since Kevin was involved in the robocopy source code at all; it is maintained by the Windows team.
Did you create Microsoft Clippy? Will Clippy ever make a come back? Noooo... but I was around at the time. We have Clippy now in the form of Siri and Google Assistant and Cortana, but there's no picture. That's all it was though, an early digital assistant.
I read on a Microsoft devblog that when windows got ported to 64bit pinball 3d was not ported because of bugs and the developers not being able to understand the code/not having enough time. It's a shame, because it was such an awesome game and I spent many hours playing it as a kid. Was the code messy due to being ported from Sam and do you think it could have been ported given enough time and expertise? Basically what I did when I ported it was to maintain the central code "logic" loop of the game unchanged so that it would play just as it did on other platforms, and then "hooked" functionality coming out of it and going into it. So I rewrote the drawing code that did the actual drawing, but not he original code that wanted to do the drawing, if that makes sense. I changed the how, not why.
That meant, though, that at the very core of the game was a big bunch of code that we didn't touch or monkey with, because it 'just worked'. Apparently sometime after Vista, in 64-bit, there was a collision detection bug in Pinball.
From what I read, Raymond Chen looked at it and got the general idea of what was wrong but didn't want to touch the fragile old code. Raymond's one of the best debuggers I've met, so it wasn't a question of expertise but of time and resources.
Anyone on the team could have trivially fixed it I'm sure, but it sounds like no one "owned" the game anymore after I left, and it was more than just a random little bug to fix, it would have required a dev to be assigned to it, and there likely was no one free.
What is your favourite colour please? Well, I have four cars with blue interiors and I'm wearing a blue shirt and a blue watch and blue jeans. So probably blue.
If my son expresses interest in serious computer programming, where is a good place to start? C for Dummies? (I'm joking and I know terribly little about the topic, only enough to know backend is where it's at) Python, then Javascript. Build a website!
Hi! Just wanted to say, I still use MS-DOS regularly, on many of my older machines in my collection. Also Win3.x, Win9x etc How do you feel about computers becoming extremely dependent on 'cloud' services? I can still set up an old machine, install an old OS, install old software and have it all up and running within an hour or so, while modern software essentially requires cloud services for literally everything. What happens to that software once some random person out there decides that they don't want to support it anymore? Those cloud services go away? Are you concerned that future generations will not be able to experience anything from this era of computing? Considering computers were designed to be able to continually run the same software over and over as necessary, how can that apply if the bulk of this is lost when the cloud disappears? Or maybe this isn't a concern at all, and I'm just crazy...? I already have hardware that refused to work because the cloud service that backs it has been abandoned or the company has gone out of business.
I worry that things become dependent on externals that aren't reliable long term, and I know what you mean... but fortunately Windows, once activated, runs perfectly well offline forever, really.
I'm a fresh graduate with some experience and reading the knowledge you all have in the comments has made me feel very inferior. I only started coding in my university and I don't do it in my past time. Am I doing something wrong? I do enjoy programming but I try to keep a work life balance. Is that a thing in software development? Also did you ever approve a pull request by Bill? No, as long as you DO enjoy it when you're doing it, you're fine. There's an entire "spectrum" of people in the world and some of us have "special interests" with which we're a little obsessed, and tend to "hyperfocus". I'm one of those people but it's by no means the only way to do it!
I knew many great programmers who (a) didn't program in their spare time at home and (b) didn't continue to program recreationally after leaving it as a job.
If you can work regular 40 hours a week as a productive programmer, you'll be set!
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Thank you so much for this! Are there any tips you'd like to give to fresh graduates like me? If you get a job at a large company like Microsoft, and decide you're not happy, try moving INTERNALLY before looking for another job. You could work for 5 different companies over your career and they could all be Google, for example. Culture goes through and through, but every team has its own.
the following is a later reply If you can put in a 35-40 hour week of solid work, you'll be fine. There are three buckets: the obsessives, like myself, who work as much as they can. Then the solid pros, who can turn out a ton of quality stuff in 40 hours. And then you have the slackers who surf Facebook at work and read reddit when they should be coding. As long as you're not in that group you're fine, and a balance is important. It is indeed a thing the successful people achieve it. It's not about how much code you write, it's about how much MORE time you spend coding than you want to, and that should be zero!
Lots of people are in careers they don't practice in their free time, in fact most. So it's a bonus if you're that way, but most people are NOT, so don't despair! You're normal!
If you're still answering, how much of the original Task Manager still lives in the modern Task Manager? Anyway, thanks for the AMA! You're a legend! I don't know for sure, but from looking at the app, and not the code, I'd expect about 60-70% of it?
Hopefully you’re still taking questions. I get a lot of crap by my peers about command line. Power shell is badass but I’m a cmd guy myself. I know we can do pretty much everything that cmd does in powershell and more, but idk. I like what I like, you know? Where do you stand on this? Honestly I'd be a CMD guy as well, but I'm really starting to lean towards using bash under WSL.
Have you ever looked the help for SET and FOR under CMD? It's where we put every piece of extra functionality, since you can't add keywords that might collide with people's script names, etc...
I didn’t use windows after windows 7 for about 5 years. Back in august 2019 I finally rebuilt and upgraded my old PC and installed windows 10. The task manager in windows 10 is so amazing and powerful. I would imagine it’s something you wanted to implement in the 90s but didn’t have the tools or time. Right? Indeed, I'm a big fan of the current task manager and what they've done with it! I wish there was a Dark mode, I wish it handled file lock tracking, and I've always got wish lists, but they've done a great job with it!
CIA_grade_LSD: Why does the file transfer time remaining progress bar start at like 15 hours and then drop to two minutes and then stick at 99% for five minutes? (An exaggeration I admit. I know you and your colleagues do your best, but I am curious why this hasnt gotten much more accurate over the years.) androidethic: Yes, we need a justification as to why the windows file operation estimations are so random/inaccurate! They're the worst estimate out there, except for all the others.
Mac is just as bad. It's a hard problem. I worked on it briefly, and to help solve it I kept track of the average time it had taken for a whole range of operations, like creating, moving, deleting, renaming a file, or moving a block of N bytes, etc. Then multiply by the number of those operations that remain. But even that can be wildly off in degenerate cases.
Do you ever get laid? Not since your Mom kicked me out.
Why has windows task manager never had a true force quit? End Process is a true force quit.
What was your team's opinion on linux at the time? And what's yours opinion too? I like it a lot, I was an early adopter back in 1993-1994 and tried to contribute some code for parsing IIDs, though I don't know if it's still in there. I hope it is, becaue then I'd have code in Windows, Mac Office, and Linux. I'd be everywhere :-)
Now that we have WSL 2, though, I do most of my Linux work under Windows!
How much of the original DOS code is still in modern OSs? None whatsoever. In fact, the only commonality at all would likely be the PGM header on disk still traces its original layout to MS-DOS.
But rest assured there's NO code from MS-DOS inside NT, for example. It was a complete clean-slate design.
Was it you responsible for the atrocious naming conventions in WIN32? Your username is dhbt12 :-)
What current developments in the world of operating systems are you watching with eager anticipation? File systems and LLVM seem to be the rage right now, at least from where I sit. Containers are cool to me, like Docker! That's really the biggest development of recent years I think!
the below has been split into two
* What's your compensation? - Zero, since I'm retired and there's no pension.
* Have you met Bill Gates? - Yes, a number of times. When I was first hired he had me and a few other recent hires over to his house for burgers and beer and it was quite nice!
What's your opinion of free and open-source software? Broad, I know. I saw your response about WinRAR saying you like to license your software, but do you hold a similar sentiment in tossing a coin to the devs of foss software you might use? I love it, I just don't have any illusions that making a piece of code open-source somehow leads to higher quality. It makes it more available to me, which is great, but in reality, on a typical project there are going to be 1-5 people who really look at the code and then a dozen the sort of know it to make changes, and then consumers of the code who just call it. I don't see that those 1-5 people are any brighter than the people who'd be responsible for a product in a proprietary environment.
Now at a certain scale, like the Linux kernel maybe, you've got enough eyeballs looking at it that it makes a difference... that I could see!
What's the idea behind SYSKEY? As I understand it, its function is to encrypt something called the SAM (Security Account Manager) database. This database stores hashes of user passwords, and is used to authenticate users when they supply their password.
Hey Dave, what do you think the future of the windows OS will be? Is a cloud-based OS possible, potentially limiting computer hardware? As a total guess, I imagine our experience will eventually be just a UI device locally and everything else happens in the cloud on server hardware. So as you say, at some point your client hardware is "good enough" and then companies compete on the merits of their back-end services.
Do you know Mike Toutonghi? , he used to work at Microsoft, now he started a new blockchain project called The Verus project. By name and email but not well enough to recognize him at the mall today, I'd say!
If you had to redo windows, what would you most like to change? What do you regret most? What do you like most? The Format dialog needs to be redone! And Task Manager is likely my favorite...
Android or iPhone? Beer or wine? Ginger or Mary Ann? iPhone. Beer. Can't it be both? It's an island, after all.
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I figured the iPhone since you have Mac's in the lab. I figured beer also since you can't shift a 4 speed with a glass off wine between your legs. Nice garage BTW. However i wasnt ready for both, it's an island after all. Touche. I tired to compile my first bit of code from GitHub today. I failed miserably. It would install but wouldn't run. I'll keep at it. Make sure you're in a clean empty folder. Try the code from Episode 11, I just used it so I know that works! Clone it and build it in PlatformIO with no changes, and that'll tell you if your dev environment is set up and working properly.
I cant connect to my cloud, can you download it for me? I'd love to, but I'm out of paper. Can you fax me some?
What amazes you the most when you compare technology from the 90's to now? GPUs!
Is it wrong of me to only ever end task manager with itself? Software Seppuku.
Probably too many comments and very late to the game, but here it goes! I teach Comp Sci at an international school. Would you be willing to give a small webinar talk to my students? They would just be so happy to hear from you as would I! Anyway, regardless, thanks for the many, many hours of enjoyment! Maybe after Covid, but I'm not a big fan of Zoom lectures! I just did one for the U of R, though, and if you check my channel there are two that I have done for the University of Regina that you might find useful for your students...
You can email me at [email protected] with info about the school and what topic you would like, etc, and I can see if it's a good fit for schedule and topic!
What computers do you personally at home? Windows? Linux? Mac? All three!
Why are processes able to hang to the point that task manager is unable to kill them? At that point there must be kernel corruption or something going on in a driver or well below the surface, I guess. If TM can't kill it, no one can, and it's truly hung.
Did you ever meet the genius who wrote the Space Cadet Pinball theme song? No, who wrote it? Matt Ridgeway?
Hi Dave, loved the videos on task manager Do you have any thoughts on modern C / C++ replacements like Zig and Rust (respectively)? I think its cool if memory access is indeed provably safe but you get code nearly as optimal as C, but I've got to learn more about them!
Did you like the windows phone? Never had one, started after I left, but I heard nice things about the very last one before it went away...
Hi Dave, Why doesn’t File Explorer automatically refresh to show new files in a folder, such as downloads? Seems such an obvious glitch! Also, how do I get the login screen on Windows 10? I push space, esc, mouse clicks, enters... and nothing happens. Then poof, it shows up. Why is this so unresponsive? It does.
In fact I know it does, because I have a patent on some of it!
Not sure why yours wound't be working, your system might have a third party piece of software that has broken File System Change notifications.
Was the time on Microsoft fun? It really was. I miss the people and the environment, and I especially miss lunch!
i’ve found 15+ 0-days in the shell32 API when doing a vuln analysis of explorer.exe. You can read my work at! What’s it like to write really buggy code :P? I sense that high school was hard for you socially.
I’m sure I remember owning the pinball game as a separate standalone title before it was in windows? Can you explain the deal with that? Or am I misremembering Plus Pack!
You're a legend, can't believe I missed this. I'll post this here, if you don't answer it I'll have a good copy/paste for later. What are your thoughts on the sethc.exe / accessibility exploit? It's worked as far back as XP, and still works today in Windows 10, last time I checked. Windows Server 2003 and 2008 as well. Is checking the integrity of OS files before they're executed just not a priority?
Why ctl+alt+delete? An IBM engineer (David Bradley, I think) picked that combination to serve as a hardware reset. You can't fake it, you can't get around it. The PC knows it's really C_A_D when you do it.
Why that particular combination, you'd have to ask him!
What's the furthest you've gotten into a project that ended up not panning out? Was it something you really wanted to get working or were you relieved to move on? I'm a student studying engineering right now and reading these answers is extremely motivational; your passion for computers is awesome! Thanks for doing this. I spent about a year on an early prototype of Media Center that I was attached to but got killed. They did do a Media Center later, of course, but I had started 2-3 years ahead, but couldn't get funding.
Why has the Windows she'll been so bad for so long? I don't know, but I'll see you in he'll.
Do you still work at Microsoft? Do you still use only Microsoft stuff? No retired in 2003. I use a lot of MS stuff, but my main laptop is a MacBook and I use a Mac for video.
Do you own any Apple products or use them for work? I own all the Apple products except the new headphones, pretty much! I'm retired now though!
Is the workculture of Microsoft at the time very different than now? How much does Bill Gates' leadership impact the company? What changes had his departure bring? It is indeed very different under Satya than Bill, and the changes are widespread. But I left before Satya started, so I'm not really qualified to speak on them!
What are your thoughts on the age old trick of "Opening Task Manager to stop programs from freezing or being slow", is there some merit to doing that or is it just a simple coincidence? Total coincidence, honest! Task Manager, at that level, is just a windows app with a message pump. It's existence doesn't do anything that solitaire or paint would not also!
No, but there's a great meme with the Star Wars general about how apps work better with Task Manager open because "fear will keep them in line".
It's purely psychological, though. TM doesn't do anything by running the calc or paint wouldn't also provide!
Did you work on Windows ME? If so.. What the hell happened to that OS that made it so terrible? I had kernal errors every week. Nope! My work on the shell would have been backported to it, but I didn't work directly on 98 or M3, other than they used our NT version of the shell code by then I think.
Did you make any contingency for when Task Manager stops responding? Yes, lots! Check the video the "Secret Life of Task Manager" for more dirt, but there are MANY things it does to help prevent you ever being stuck with no task manager:
If not asked yet If this is correct, as posted in Regina awhile ago iirc I saw a post saying you’re from Regina, Canada Is that true? If so that’s awesome to hear that someone from my local area made one of my favourite no internet game and the basic fundamentals of the most used OS for computers Yes indeed, that's me!
Why is the documentation for WPA so bad and scarce? I have to refer to Bruce Dawson's years old blog to decipher some of the columns names. Are there any plans to add a comprehensive manual for it? Windows Product Activation? Columns? Sorry, are you using WPA for something else?
Can I intern for you? If you know how to write a Material-themed admin-style Dashboard in React, can consume a REST api in doing so, and have some experience with iPhone apps an Unity, then maybe yes!
I was actually looking for an intern this past summer to write a phone and web app...
how did you assured code quality and readability? did you use static analyzers/ unit tests or what? Check out the "Secret History of Task Manager" video for a description of "NTStress" and how we nightly tested, but there were professional testers, every line of code was code-reviewed, and so on.
My understanding is it's quite different now, though!
When you say you worked on Windows activation, was it for more than a day? That's an odd question. Can I ask why you think it might have just been for a day? Clue me in to what you're hinting at and I'll fill you in on the rest!
Why do I need to press 3 buttons and 1 click to open task manager? Because you choose to fail!
You can do it with two clicks or one simultaneous multikey press!
Do you think WPA was a success? I think so! It helped stem casual piracy, wasn't "cracked" for at least 18 months after we released it, and didn't unduly inconvenience users too often, I hope.
We were really aiming for the 95% case. Trying to catch the 95% of piracy that is people sharing keys, reusing their own keys on too many machines, getting keys off the web, that sort of thing. I think it accomplished that.
How did you feel about windows 8? Same way you do.
Who invented the blue screen of death? John Vert. He said:
"Back in 1991 I wrote the original code for Windows NT 3.1 that put the video screen back into text mode and the routines to put text on it (and a truly gnarly bit of code it was!). I used the white on blue colors for two reasons.
* The MIPS workstations we were using for the MIPS port had firmware that presented a boot option screen in white on blue, so it made sense that the bugcheck screen would match.
* I (and many others) were using SlickEdit as our text editor and at the time its default color scheme was also white on blue.
I believe Mark Lucovsky wrote the original code that dumped a bunch of text to the screen. This was a bugcode and a stack dump, resulting in a bunch of useless hex numbers which product support would occasionally dutifully transcribe from the customers and include in the bug report.
There was no "typesetting" as we used standard VGA text mode on PCs.
I don't know the history of the Win3.1/Win9x blue screens, I think the fact they were the same color is just coincidence."
But can you make sick stick figure death match animations in QBASIC? No, but I do a mean Bill the Cat ascii art!
How could you? Sometimes you just gotta say WTF.
What are you working on these days? Mostly on programming tutorials and nostalgic "Windows War Stories" on my youtube channel:
[removed] That's me! Went to Miller high, worked at ISM and SaskTel during college, etc!
Here is my question. Im a cuban teenager (17) and my dream is work is be a developer. What kind of mini works i can do for learn programation before University? Do as many little program tasks as you can, and make sure you complete them, and SAVE them for the future so you can look back!
Try writing a little program to convert back and forth between roman numbers and regular numbers. Or fund the next highest multiple of 32, or count the number of it bits set in a byte. Or the real difference in seconds between two dates, that sort of thing. Real problems that you have to solve will help a great deal as they act as sort of a "forcing function" to make you get to the very end.
Do you like macaroni & cheese? Kraft Dinner all the way. And I eat with little packets of designer ketchup. didn't built paint? I'm out. Nope, sorry. But I owned calc for a while, back when we were adding infinite precision math to it!
Hi, If Microsoft wanted to, they could make it impossible to activate a pirated copy of windows using 3rd party software. So why aren't they making it impossible? Not sure what you meant by 3rd party software. Are you saying Windows can actually be activated even if pirated? That'd be news to me, but anything's possible.
What was the criteria for “tilt” on space cadet pinball? I played that game for hours as a kid. Spacebar would add a little "action" to the table, if I recall, and you could strike a balance of adding so much so often... but too much (ie: smash space too much) and it'll tilt.
Did you ever have to interview anybody at Microsoft? If so, what types of questions would you ask back then? What was your interview like going into Microsoft? Oh yeah, I've interviewed dozens or hundreds I'd bet. I'd like to ask "calibrating questons" like "Give me a funtion that takes a number and returns the next highest multiple of 32" or "count the number of bits that are set in it" to see how their basic coding skills were.
Then I usually liked to give a problem I was working on to see what it'd be like to actually work with the person.
I interviewed three times, once as an intern, once as full time, and then once to move to the Shell group. Each as an all-day affair, and very arduous. You have 2-3 hour long interviews in the AM, then a lunch interview, then 2-3 more hour long interviews in the PM, then a supper thing, etc... it's a long day!
ImRandyRU: What have you done for me lately? Edit: it was a joke... dabigchina: NT is the foundation that all modern windows OS's build on, so a lot. Zeusifer: I guarantee some of OP's code still exists in Windows 10. Most of it, to be honest. As a guess I'd say 75% still there.
Hey man, I had a wicked dump this morning and now my toilet is blocked. Any idea's? More roughage in your diet.
It was so satisfying to push the 3x5 disks into the slot and have the button pop out, and make a vroom vroom sound. Ah, the old days. What's your favorite MS-Dos game from the 90s? I actually came to the PC after MS-DOS, so I wasn't a DOS gamer... I suppose in those days it was primarily C64 and Amiga games. I do remember being fond of Sim City, like everyone, but also of a game called "Seven Cities of Gold"...
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

[Table] r/buildapc — I'm the owner/founder of PCPartPicker. Celebrating 10 years of PCPP + /r/buildapc. AMA (pt 1/2)

Note: other employees' answers were occasionally included, but are by no means complete.
Questions Answers
PC Part Picker. Where do I start. First of all, thank you so much for all of the help you guys have given me. If not for your team and your website I might not have built the PC I have now. I am very grateful to you guys for making such straightforward software with so many options. You guys are on top of everything, and I’d just like to thank you for all that you’ve done for the PC building community. That being said, onto the questions! 1. What are your favorite PC Parts? What’s your ideal/dream PC part list? 2. I’ve been having this problem recently because things are out of stock. When I make a parts list I often have to go into the page for the part to determine the actual cost for the part when it comes back in stock from the major retailers. When displaying the price, could you also add in parentheses something like: Price: $265 (Lowest: $200) Thanks for the kind words! I'll defer to Alex/Ryan on their favorite parts. For me I'd just like to get hold of a 3080 one day but I'm not in a rush. I'm still happily running this build:
On the stock / pricing issue, we might be able to look into something like that, but I can't make any guarantees.
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Downmented: It's a bad time to be GPU shopping when the founde owner of PCPP can't even score a 30 series GPU BDsBiggest: This was my thought, how does he not have one? I honestly don't really need one and there are people who play way more intensive stuff than I do. I'm ok to wait.
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On that note, what do you play?!! I still really enjoy Minecraft of all things. My oldest son started playing Skyblock and so that became a bit of a time sink. Used to play a decent bit of Civ and other Sid Meier stuff a long time ago. I'm just not that much of a gamer though. I'm legitimately terrible at FPS games, so I don't really enjoy them all that much. Minecraft lets me just piddle around and experiment with different creations, architectures, etc. And it's something I can play with my kids which is great until they trash my island.
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As a fellow Minecraft buff, what are your thoughts on the best CPU for Minecraft at the moment? I know it depends more on CPU performance than GPU, at least in Java edition. I'll have to defer to the other guys on staff or the community because I honestly don't know. I'm playing on an i5-6600k/980 ti which has been more than enough.
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Thanks for the response! How long have you had that build for? Roughly four years. I need to upgrade the GPU though because where I work in my house it's getting cold and ThoughtA is outpacing me on Folding at Home.
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Do you have a rebuild planned for when the 3080 is back? Or just upgrading the current rig? It'll probably be a new build, but I'm not sure what it'll be. If 3080s come back in stock where I can get one, then I may start with that and plan the rest around it. Especially if it's something with a particular aesthetic or color scheme that I want to match.
Thank you for your site and all the countless hassle it saved me from. What do you guys and gals think is a thing our community could help you with ? Is there something like a roadmap for pcpp and what are you personally most excited about ? How should people give feedback to you and the other team members? Which channels are you preferring ? On which channels can I send my monthly thank you very much for your service messages ? Re: what buildapc can help with - this community has helped us so much over the years that I have no asks whatsoever. Just thanks. Thanks for letting us be a part of the community.
We don't have an official roadmap - I run the dev timeline like a software engineer who is terrible at time estimates. Things I promised eight years ago are still undone while other stuff jumps ahead. I'm most excited for benchmarking. I love performance analysis, and what we're building should be super cool. Lots, lots, lots of data, all in tightly controlled environments. The hard part is how to present relevant bits without overwhelming people with data.
For feedback, feel free to ping us on our site forums, our contact page, or on our discord channel. Discord is probably the least formal if it's something small, though I'm not on discord all that often these days (Ryan and Alex are though).
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Ah, "agile" development. Nope! None of that. No agile practices here thanks. Just software development structured along my capricious demands...
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IMHO, "we don't have a project management philosophy" is the best project management philosophy. As long as progress is being made and people are happy, management theory would just get in the way. For a while I was working on a codebase of several million lines of C++ in an org with 100+ other really smart engineers. I participated in an effort to modularize part of it, and I failed pretty badly. One of the most important things I learned was from an old Windows NT dev presentation that talked about Conway's Law. That really reshaped how I viewed architecture, teams, responsibilities, and communication patterns.
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Did you consider licensing/sharing benchmarks from other hardware review sites, rather than developing a (presumably not-profit-generating) benchmarking competency? Alternatively, if you do want to generate benchmarks, have you considered monetizing them via a blog? We're planning on benching at a scale that most review sites don't do. Like an order of magnitude more pairings, runs, etc, with a bit more detail on each as well in terms of current consumption, temps, etc. All that all recorded on identical software setups for comparability. No one right now is doing that at the scale we want.
It's definitely not a profit center, and that's ok for me. I love benchmarking. Before PCPP I was part of a team working on optimizing compiler stuff. I loved writing compiler optimizations and testing the performance changes. So that whole side of things - determinism, accurate measurements, etc, I just really enjoy it. So PCPP in a way helps fund my desire to do that work whether it is profitable or not.
That being said, I do think it's a complementary feature set to add. While it may not monetize directly, I think the value it adds to the site will (hopefully) result in an incremental change in traffic/revenue.
So how does it feel to have a side project or yours become as popular in the computer world as google? You've become the only place I recommend newbies to go (other than reddit) for pc building help, and your site has become the most useful tool I've ever used outside of my daily IT work. You've created something not only powerfully useful, but well designed, smoothly operated, and pleasing to the eye. I don't really have much of question more just taking the opportunity to say thank you for creating a fantastic tool for the community. If a bigger company offers you millions to sell it I'd understand if you did, but please don't, I can't imagine the site being run any better than by it's original team! Thanks for the kind words. I gave my mom a shirt. A couple years ago someone recognized the shirt in rural east Texas. Like, she lives 30 minutes from the nearest town of 5,000 people. That was pretty wild. My mom was pretty excited lol.
I love having something that I helped build be a useful thing for people. That's immensely satisfying. (And it's a team effort, not just me by any stretch at all. The whole team helps every bit of what you see on the site).
On the other hand, I don't want or like to be out front. I'd rather be behind the scenes working on something and not really be noticed. I think that gets reflected, probably negatively from a business-first standpoint, in how I run things. I don't really push branding hard, don't push social media (Twitter, Instagram, etc), because I personally don't want to be out front there. I can engage here on reddit because I feel like I'm a part of the community here rather than some corporate/redditor relationship. From a business standpoint, I think there's a lot of growth possibility that PCPP hasn't tapped into because I want to avoid various social anxieties and whatnot.
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Just know that if a company offers big bucks (and they probably will eventually) it is because they see an opportunity to leverage the base you built to make money and it most likely will be by selling the customers who trust you. They will probably do something like partner with large manufacturers or sellers and push their own products while if ignoring what is best for the people looking to create their own best build. Yeah that makes sense. We've made some decisions that probably wouldn't last long - not running ads, not selling user data. So really there seems to be two options: either we run this out until it dies on its own and we get to keep our ideals/positions, or we run out of energy and sell. I don't want to sell. I don't plan to sell. But I'd be lying if I said there weren't days where I feel so tired and just want a break for a bit. It's trying to find the balance of doing a job I love maintaining principles I value and also not destroying myself physically/emotionally/etc in the process.
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Oh cool! If you don’t mind me asking, what area of East Texas? Did you grow up out here? I’m from out in Van, approx 30 min from Tyler. My close friends and I love PCPartPicker. I just used it to build my upgraded rig a couple of weeks ago. Nice! I grew up in Tyler (edit: but my mom currently lives 30 minutes east of Center, TX - basically on Toledo Bend reservoir and the TX/LA border). My electronics teacher in high school (Mr. Ray) was from Van. He was formative for me in pursuing electronics seriously by introducing me to VICA and electronics competitions.
Benchmark integration timeline when 🍿 Probably mid-2021. We're almost done with a building renovation where they bumped our building service from a 400A service to a 1200A service. Added AC capacity. That 800A is going toward bench... it's going to be fun. This is what I'm talking about Can't wait to get this all up and running.
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I have a massive transformer that’s the size of a fridge I can’t seem to sell if you guys want it. It was meant for a Bitcoin farm but was never used. Cost $5000 I just want it gone it’s so heavy lol LOL thanks but we're good. They actually delivered the 1200A from pole mounted transformers. MEP guys were surprised, but the power company said they could do it. Sure enough they did. Old vs new pre-hookup:
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Dude, you do AWS, dev, hiring, project direction, and building management? Your operation must be crazy efficient. Oh no I offloaded all the building management stuff to Jack. He's handled almost all the renovation work, which has been an absolute life saver for me. I just come in and throw wrenches in things by adding last minute requests for extra conduit runs from here to there, replace those windows, change that paint color, etc. Jack handles all communication and followups with the GC, subs, etc.
The other stuff I do do though. AWS (our infrastructure isn't that big really, a couple dozen EC2 instances, RDS, Redis, CloudSearch, Cloudfront, etc). Daniel handles the bits of Lambda that we use. I kinda enjoy the deployment / devops side of things, and I think it's important to have my fingers on the pulse of that whenever I'm designing new features. Helps me have a better feel for what kind of query impact different code or modeling decisions will have.
The hiring isn't much - we've averaged about one person a year and that's usually someone in our existing network of relationships. And project direction is pretty small right now since we shut down our cycling site. Back down to just one website makes it a lot simpler. We talk about what we want to do as a group a lot, so (I think) everyone has a pretty decent picture of where we're headed despite timelines not being nailed down strict.
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What kind of benchmarks would you be running? Have you considered pulling data from places like passmark? Anything we can run deterministically and automated and that has license terms that allow unfettered publication of result data. We won't be pulling data from anywhere, passmark included. All the data will be from runs we do in-house.
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May I ask why the focus on internal metrics vs just pulling them? Mainly because we can control all the variables and make them consistent across all our result pairs. We have some absolutely phenomenal performance analysis engineering expertise in house.
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Unfettered publication of result data. Wow. Nice. As someone who likes playing with freely available datasets, I really appreciate this. Hard to learn data science without freely available data sets that regular people can have some level of subject matter expertise over to start to learn how to put data-driven stories together. Sorry, what I meant was that the license terms of the benchmark software have to allow us to publish the benchmark results without restriction. There is a popular benchmarks out today that requires the benchmark results be vetted by them first before publication. We'd have to manually send over bench results if we weren't using their bench platform (we're not, we have our own). Then wait for them to approve, and then we could publish. That's not viable when we're testing at the scale we plan to - it'd need to be automated at least but they couldn't offer that. And for benchmarking prerelease hardware under embargo, it'd mean that we would have no ability to publish data right when the embargo lifted. We'd have to wait however long for their manual review.
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How will you be able to benchmark hard-to-get hardware? e.g. RTX 3090, Radeon 6800xt, and Ryzen 5000? Will the manufacturers send them to you? Or do you have to buy them? I think it's a mixture of both. On new release hardware it's helpful to have bench data when embargoes lift. But I also want to have store-purchased hardware as the main part of our hardware pool, however long it takes to acquire that. We can flag the benchmarks that come from manufacturer review samples - that way people know the source and can factor in review sample binning.
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So once upon a time, I was gonna write a program that would pull benchmark and pricing data to build a list of best value parts, such that no part in the list had a better performing part at a lower price. A sort of definitive do-buy list to make it easier to pick parts. Once benchmarks are done, pcp would have all the infrastructure in place to make that happen in some form on the site, perhaps as a filter for picking parts or as a warning on the part/build pages? Yep.
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sorry, I'm not sure what you're saying that to, I should have actually posed a proper question: Will you be implementing that? That's our intent, yeah. It may take us a bit to get there though.
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There is...a lot... of metal shavings in that box. Ah I’m sure it’s fine it’s only 1200A. Oh at that point it was still all being hooked up. It's cleaner for sure.
Check this out - relative size difference between old and new... (That's one Barry for scale.)
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But how do we know how big Barry is if he's not holding a banana? Barry is approximately the same height as one marinelli.
A lot of people seem to think that you only host sellers that provide you affiliate kickbacks. Is there any truth to that? Have you ever allowed or disallowed a seller on the basis of affiliate money? How do you decide whether to host a seller or not? That's not true. We list several retailers without affiliate agreements. Affiliate relationships are often much much easier because they almost always already have price data access. That's the main thing we need.
Our choice on hosting a retailer largely depends on whether we feel they are good for users or not. If a retailer is being abusive to users or doing highly manipulative stuff, we'll remove them even if they're profitable. We've done that several times in the past. If a retailer also has highly inaccurate pricing, we'll delist for that too.
Yaaatttttt: Not sure if you are allowed to reveal this but what retailers have you delisted in the past? LightningProd12: They delisted MicroCenter in the US because they had too many in-store only deals and no way to tell the difference on PCPP's end. And not everyone can go to one, if you live in the Northwest the closest one can be 800-1000 miles away. Edit: This is mostly false, look at the comments below. ThoughtA: This isn't true at all. We want to have them on the site. We had some discussions with them, but they stopped responding.
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Oh ok, I remember suggesting it a few years back on the forums and getting told they were delisted. EDIT - Forum post link: I falsely remembered there being a reason but was told they were removed from the site. We did actually list their in-store deals. I put in a decent bit of code for that so that they only showed up if you were within a configurable radius of one of their locations.
It's a long story, but the gist of it is that we were waiting on some stuff that never came and things went silent. We reach out from periodically but nothing. It stinks - we'd be happy to list them.
You never know what you reception you'll get from retailers. Some are beating down the door to get on board - that's awesome. Others we have to prove that we're worth their time - that's not unusual. A few will say they want to work together, we get 80% of the way there, and then... silence. Or the key person you were working with takes a job somewhere else. And then some retailers basically say not just no, but h*** no. I'll never forget that one. For some retailers there's a strong aversion to something we do, whether it be price comparison or something else. But just know that if there's a retailer that is reputable and treats customers well, we're more than happy to work with them and get them listed.
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Ohh ok, that sucks. On a side note, is there a story behind the "h*** no" retailer? They're, eh, no longer in business. Honestly probably dodged a bullet there.
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Maybe this was asked already but still: are there any timeline/plan to add more countries to the country list? I am leaving in Austria and I have to use Germany to see the prices and availability of the parts. Moreover, I see German retailers and prices but not Austrian ones. We're continually adding new countries and retailers. Adding a country is just a few lines of code on our end - we do that when we have a retailer to add in a country we don't currently support. So really it's a matter of finding and adding retailers. If you have any you'd like to see, send us a note on our contact page and we'll take a look at it. Jenny reaches out to the retailers to see if we can get them on board. It usually takes a while to get in contact and get good data access.
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I already raised this issue to him several years ago - because it was blatantly in the open for users in Germany. You would get amazon affiliate links as "lowest" price, even though there are several other stores that are cheaper... He got angry quickly and gave me the same bs excuse. The top sellers with the top user ratings were never listed as cheapest even though they were. We list the buy box winner for Amazon. If you're saying we prune results for various marketplace sellers, well, you're wrong.
How's the team handling COVID? Is everyone working from home? What kind of challenges are arising? I sent everyone home in March. We haven't met as a group since. It's been ok - we just meet on video conferencing when we need to. Jack and Barry are up at the office overseeing the renovation which should be done mid-January. I'll probably be up there from January to April to do the benchmark network cabling and office rewiring (from cat5 to 6a+fiber) because I kinda enjoy cable crimping and punch downs. :)
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The transition from cat5 to cat6 is worth? Yeah. We're not running 5e, just 5. It's what was in there from when we bought it. So that's not where I'd like it to be for good 1Gb.
Any chance we'll ever see some more filtering options for SSDs? It would be really handy to have the following * Filter by the primary storage type SLC/MLC/TLC/QLC/Optane/etc * Filter by whether the drive has a DRAM cache or supports Host Memory Buffer (HMB) I'd love to, but I think it'd cause a fissure I'm not sure how to fix. Right now we have SSDs and platter drives in the same category, but the specific filtering for each is different. To apply the really detailed SSD filters, I think they need to be their own category. Same with the HDD types. I don't know if splitting them up is the right path though, so I've been continually punting the issue down the road until we're forced to decide one way or the other.
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Tsk tsk, don’t accumulate technical debt there Oh, no, it's quite the opposite really. Parametric part additions record the type and filter selections. Those added to a part list stay there forever - we never throw them away. So any filters we add never get removed even if we don't show them. Because of that, I try to be very deliberate in what we add and what we don't. Once I add a new part category or filter type, if I decide later it was a bad idea then it means I get to write lots of migration code. That's no fun.
Super excited for the an app version. Are you guys considering price tracking so that users can set alerts for when hardware drops to a desired price? Yeah. We have that on the site already with email alerts. But the PWA provides them via browser push notifications (on platforms that support that). I have that all working in a beta test mode (for staff only) right now and it's feeling pretty solid.
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As a front-end engineer, what's your stack look like for the PWA? Basically built on top of our existing responsive site (Python, Django). I didn't want to spend a lot of time migrating to another framework, so instead spent the time kind of standardizing our own API-ish setup and then handling the caching or offline modes for that as needed. We went responsive with PWA to avoid maintaining three separate codebases (web, iOS, Android), but it's looking like we may go native in the end anyway. This buys us some time at least.
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So not iOS? Right. :(. I understand there are some workarounds to get push notifications through wallets and whatnot, but that feels pretty hackish to me. We might end up going native on iOS at some point to get good notification support there.
How hard is it keeping up with and adding new item releases (not only the new 3000 series graphics cards from nvidia but also possibly unknown stuff like network cards, etc)? Are there any items you decide not to add or do you try to list everything you can? New GPUs are pretty easy. CPUs are ok, sometimes a pain depending on the chipset/bios situations. Motherboards are terrible, especially the last few years. Cataloging all the M.2 ports, their constraints (PCIe in this slot disables that SATA, etc) is a major pain.
There's some stuff, particularly on cases, where there are compatibility constraints that are not economically viable to model. We know what the constraints are, but to model them all across 30k+ parts would make data entry so slow that we'd never finish.
We try to hit the main product categories, but we'd love to expand that. It's really an issue of how time consuming and costly it is to do the data entry for it versus how often it's used.
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So Wikipedia seems to be crowd sourced, and works pretty well. Maybe some of the more laborious data entry parts could have a crowd source entry option, but be flagged as such when people bring up anything containing those results (a disclaimer).. It's just not reliable enough. It has to be super accurate, and it's not something I'd ever feel comfortable outsourcing.
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Have you tried asking the manufacturers to get involved? You might just be big enough. When new releases are coming out we sometimes get data ahead of time. Cases are pretty common. Motherboards are a lot harder, because of embargoes and even BIOSes and manuals not finished days before release. Some of the constraints we see are pretty one-off situations that make it hard to provide some sort of standardized input form for though.
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what if you let companies input their own data for their products. I don't trust that to be accurate enough. We routinely find bad spec data even on manufacturer sites.
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I imagine that PCPP is large enough now to direct traffic to or away from various retailers in volumes they will care about. Like how Google went from small to large. Given that, probably PCPP should begin leaning on retailers to provide product data in an ingestable format, making data entry moot. We work with retailers to provide the right data in feeds for sure. But the hard part is that not all retailers have the technical expertise on hand to do it (or for smaller retailers, the margin and profitability to pay for that expertise). The back-and-forth to get updated feed frequency, proper part numbers, stock status, etc - it's non-stop. Brent and Jenny bear the brunt of that.
I know you've been vocal about not opening up a merch store for personal profit, but would you ever consider a merch store where all proceeds go towards your well building charity? We did this once. My accountant was like, "please don't."
Basically if we buy a thousand shirts and give them away it's super easy - they just get marked as a marketing expense and we give them out however we see fit. But as soon as any of them are sold, you have to track inventory, cost basis, etc. It's a lot more tedious and last time it was maybe a couple shirts a week - enough to invoke packaging and transport overhead but not enough to be efficient. So we instead just give them away at various bapc milestones and donate from our affiliate income instead.
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Kinda funny reading this while wearing the hoodie! It’s easily the comfiest hoodie in my closet. Oh, major props to Phil for that. He picked it out. I love mine too. We printed some smaller ones for kid sizes and my oldest son tries to sleep in his.
transam617: Philip, Thank you for 10 years of your indispensable help. Over that time, there were probably millions of visitors to your website who have had their PC building experience improved or made possible through the use of your wonderful tool. But specifically: Since 2014, our little corner of reddit (now 10K subs) cabalofthebuildsmiths, has been more effective, and has helped more people as a direct result of your website tool, than from any other tool we have available. We pride ourselves on giving builds to customers where they can reliably buy every part we pick, and be sure they will work as expected. This process takes research and a lot of effort, but the highly accurate, effective communication of pcpartpicker (for all the countries you cover) is the foundation of our process. Thank you for making the messy world of PC parts a little more bearable, thank you for making it all possible, and a big thanks from us, cabalofthebuildsmiths. transam617 kokolordas15 dmz_dragon danyulz bramblexd Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for all the work you all do to help builders!
What happened to the youtube channel? Loved the build videos and interviews you had while it was still running. We moved buildings a couple years ago, and decided to pause on them while we renovated the new space for filming and benchmarking. The renovation is finishing up likely mid-January - it took waaaay longer than we originally thought. If we had known it'd be that long we probably would have figured out some interim plan. So once that reno is done, we'll probably start ramping up content again. I'd guess mid-2021 or so.
[deleted] My first computer was a an AMD K5-133. That was late 1996 I think and I was in college. My friend and I ordered our mobo+CPU off an ad on a magazine page. I bought his old case and an 80MB HDD off of him. Ran Windows 3.1. We played Warcraft 2 across a null modem cable - that was probably the most fun I've ever had with PC gaming. Floating point on that thing was terrible though. Playing a 64kbps MP3 chewed up like 60% of the CPU.
My roommate introduced me to Quake 2, specifically Action Quake 2. Loved that game. I started running a website on the dorm network on it that got pretty popular. But queries on the db would tank my Q2 framerate so I put in code to disable queries while I was playing.
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tiger direct? No, it was some small place out of the northeast. I mean, that was pre-internet-shopping days. Wrote a check, hand wrote what we wanted on the order form, mailed it, and waited weeks. No phone calls, no email confirmations, nothing. My kids have no idea what that was like.
Fun fact, I got banned from PCPartPicker for adding a purple dildo from Amazon to my build. Yeah that'll do it. User code of conduct / ToS and all.
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Boooo. Thats kinda weird, especially for private/personal builds. Most of the retailers we partner with have as a part of their terms that our site not contain NSFW material. I get some people think it's funny but it can get us shut down, and I'm really not ok with that.
I've used your site so many times and I even met some of the team in Austin outside Dreamhack. Thanks for all you do! Who has the most powerful computer on the staff and what are they running? I think most powerful computer probably goes to manirelli right now.
Do you have any career opportunities at the company? I have a couple years of marketing experience, but I can’t find a job in these tough times. At least I’ve been learning python so I can get better at data management. Unfortunately we're not hiring right now. :(
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Mind if I ask where you typically post jobs when you are hiring?, LinkedIn, Indeed, all of the above? Usually it's someone we have an established relationship with. We haven't ever posted a job listing to date.
Are you going to work on an official PCPartPicker API so people don't have to break ToS by scraping? No. I'd prefer to offer sufficient service that people don't need to scrape.
Most scrapers use up a lot of resources or don't even do cursory things like follow robots.txt crawl delay specs. It's really frustrating. I'd like to spend my time focusing on user benefitting features than blocking abusive crawlers.
gordonv: A cached CLI/SDK that draws from a CDN (not your web server) would be cool. You'd provide sufficient service, reduce processing cost, and get usage stats. The best way to defeat crawlers is to defeat their purpose. Make scraping look idiotic. Heck, mock scrapers in your HTML with an URL to your API. Add a little wit to that wisdom. Add AWS Cloudfront and now you have 200+ servers in the USA distributing your CLI with authentication to 3 million calls for $20 a month. Some leet stuff. Just noticed a sprinkle of posts calling for an app. If you spec CLI/SDK along with app development, killing 2 birds with 1 budget stone. We're rolling out a PWA (hopefully) before the end of the year.
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invisi1407: Perhaps a better question is, why is there a need for scraping? Could that need be satisfied by new/improving features on PCPP? MLG_G0D: Because integrations with PCPartPicker would greatly benefit the PC building community. Constantly navigating to websites can get tiresome, especially on low spec machines. Automation is great. invisi1407: I understand, but exactly which integrations are people looking for? I get it, but I also understand why PCPP isn't interested in having a public, free API. MLG_G0D: I was thinking about integrating PCPP functions into a reddit/discord bot. invisi1407: Not unresonable, but you do understand how it takes away any earnings from advertisements and what have we on their website, yeah? It seems like they are a small company spending an enormous amount of time on the data they are presenting, so I don't think you'll ever see a free public API anyway. Perhaps a paid one, but I don't suppose many would be interested in that anyway. MLG_G0D: Seems reasonable. I'm just a massive fan of companies being open to their userbase, but I guess PCPartPicker hasnt quite grown to the point where thats economically feasible. There's more to the picture. On pricing data: We're not the source of pricing data as that comes from the retailers. We have various agreements in place where they give us that data to display on our site or to market their products in ways they allow us to. We don't have permission to then hand that data to a third party to do whatever they want to. If we make it available to someone else via an API, we're breaching terms of our agreement, which in turn makes us lose our affiliate deal and price access. Boom, business is dead. Basically if you need that data, go to the source (the retailers) and negotiate with them.
For product data: We've invested a lot of man years to build our data set, and some of that data helps us maintain a competitive advantage over copycat sites. Making it easier to retrieve that data isn't something I'm keen on. There are other sources of product data available that are more expansive than what we have anyway. I'd suggest pursuing that if you want to build your own hardware related site stuff.
On API stuff for partlists and markdown: If you just want a discord bot, I'd be happy to chat through what it is you're looking for to see if that's something we could support officially on our end. We have our own discord server bot that uses an internal API to do partlist embeds.
Last bit - publishing an API adds an additional thing for us to maintain. It's a maintenance and support burden. Even an unofficial API is. It becomes something that I have to test and not break any time I refactor code around it. We're a small company, and that's not really an area I want to allocate resources around if it's not a revenue generating thing.
Thanks a lot to you guys! With your site, I managed to make 3 separate lists, and now my dream of building a PC is coming true. Maybe you could add recommendations based on what the person has on their list, such as a cheaper but better graphics card, etc I think recommendations are a possibility once we have our in-house benchmark data in place. But that'd be a ways down the road.
Thanks for your work, and since this is an AMA, simple question: Which is the best flavor of ice cream and why? Amy's Ice Cream here in Austin. Belgian Chocolate. It's just wonderful but I haven't been there in almost a year now.
manirelliPCPartPicker: I will second Amy's but I'm partial to the Mexican Vanilla flavor.
Wow. What a cool thing to see on Reddit. This is the first AMA I’ve ever replied in/commented on. I’m brand new to PC (3 year macbook user here, and besides a brief stint with a windows Hp laptop on which I played Rollercoaster tycoon and club penguin with “back in the day” I have never had need for the site. Until last month). I’m grateful the site exists, and it’s quite intriguing to me how you manage to create and maintain (emphasis on maintain) such an EXTENSIVE database of parts. I know it’s part of your life, however it astounds me to see these parts that seem so very minuscule, always appear. Have you considered, or maybe there already is and I simply am blind or don’t know about it. Have you considered adding any sort of personal or user based rating system regarding parts? Or a warning system for parts with known issues out of the box? Our ratings are from users, but we only allow ratings/reviews from completed builds. That way we know that the review is from someone who actually built with it (versus say a 1 star review from someone mad they couldn't buy it).
We do offer some warnings on known issues, but it's something we may expand in the future.
submitted by 500scnds to tabled [link] [comments]

FAQ/ General Info [1/2/2021]

FAQ v2 : The "2021 Vision" Edition

DISCLAIMER: this post is NOT meant to be a comprehensive guide. We have linked to many of the best guides available for that. If you have found this SubReddit, you should already have some grasp of what to do. This post is here as a small primer, a refresher for things that should already be known before making comments or posts here, as well as to compile the many resources we have at our disposal.The main focus of this sub will be - content, tools, and news on piracy, hacking, and such. We will provide MINIMAL support on how to get you there outside of this post. There are other Subs and Discords dedicated to helping you do all the hack stuff, most won't help with piracy. So, please look there first if it isn't directly related to piracy.
Before you hack :
NOTICE - Before doing any hacking whatsoever, get Hekate and make a NAND backup. The process is easy, and is outlined in almost every CFW guide. Do NOT skip this.
NOTICE - Also set up Incognito (before doing anything after hacking) and/or 90DNS (before hacking), to block all access to Nintendo's servers. It is preferred to use Incognito, though.
FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION - It is also a good idea to set up a EU region Nintendo account, so you can use local multiplayer (and some other features that games lock behind an account), as well as taking advantage of the GDPR account protections. To enjoy the GDPR protections:
  1. Go to
  2. Login with your NNID.
  3. Under ‘Other settings’, Edit ‘Usage information’ and set it to ‘Don’t share’.
  4. Save your changes.
UnderPack and AtmosPack info :
The official UnderPrivlidged Website is up and running, hosting the download for the latest UnderPack as well. The UnderPack is just a shop app (Tinfoil with custom repos) and fusee-primary sigpatches. The AtmosPack is a compilation of apps, patches, settings, themes, and more, to take your CFW enabled Switch to a state of piracy nirvana. You will need an internet connection on your Switch to use the shop app, though.
The basics of the AtmosPack:
  1. Under's Domain - the official UnderPrivlidged website.
  2. SDSetup Guide - A full set up guide to hack your Switch. Unneeded with my AtmosPack.
  3. General Guide - A general guide. May be outdated.
  4. SXOS Website - The website for SXOS, a paid CFW.
  5. SwitchHaxing Sub - A SubReddit focused on Switch hacking.
  6. SwitchHacks Sub - Another SubReddit focused on Switch hacking.
  7. Official FirmWare Downloads - Downloads for OFW (Official FirmWare).
  8. Which Switch Models Are Hack-able? - Do you really need me to explain this link?
  9. Base64 Decoder - Decode the links encoded in Base64, for those who refuse to use the script below.
  10. Link Not Found - Link totally found!
F.A.Q. :
You need custom firmware (CFW). At the moment, there are 2 options capable of "backup” loading: Atmosphere (easiest to just grab my UnderAtmos pack, which includes Atmosphere, sigpatches, and more) which is free, or SXOS which costs around $25 USD.
On top of that you need a way of launching the CFW payload to your Switch every time your Switch dies or you properly turn it off. The SX-Pro is a dongle which comes with the SXOS license and launches payloads. There are other dongles, most of which are cheaper but don't come with the SXOS license, though they work with all CFW options. You can also use your Android phone or a computer as well as long as you have the right cables to plug it into your Switch (a usb-c cable is required for the Switch end, with either a standard usb plug for computers, or an adapter for whatever your Android phone has). Payloads are a .bin file typically, and should be on the respective CFWs' websites. My AtmosPack contains payloads for Atmosphere, Hekate, Lockpick, and several other useful tools.
Another necessary part of "backups" is fooling the system into thinking you own the game - SigPatches. These files make the Switch think you are installing a game or app that you actually own. SXOS comes with one version of these patches built in, but for Atmosphere users you will need to grab them yourself. I recommend using these patches (included in both my packs), as they cover everything you would need with Atmosphere. It is as simple as dragging the files to your sd card, so don't worry.
You will also need a way of installing your "backups". You can use Goldleaf, the SX Installer (built into SXOS), or any other number of programs (DZ, Tinfoil, and/or N1dus for example). The process is pretty straightforward with any tool you choose. Though, you could also use my shop in either pack to download and install the games directly from the Switch.
XCI files are physical cartridge dumps. NSP files are eShop digital downloads.NSPs are considered more risky for a ban (doing any kind of hack is a ban risk, take it or leave it), but they don't need to be mounted like XCI files. Only SXOS can mount XCI files, but other CFW can install them like NSP files if need be. XCI mounting refers to tricking the Switch system into thinking a game cart (XCI) is inserted into the cart slot (mounted).
NSZ and XCZ are compressed versions of the aforementioned formats. These can typically only be installed with a few installers, since they are considered "more piracy focused" and some developers refuse to support that. They speed up downloads, and take up less space when storing them outside of the Switch, but installed they take up the same space. This makes them great for shop owners like me, to reduce footprints and make the downloads much quicker for my users.

SXOS supports XCI mounting and USB storage, both of which are not needed for many use cases (and USB storage might be coming to free CFW soon enough). Aside from cost, XCI and USB storage, there is very little different between SXOS and the free CFW options. SXOS users will often say that it is much easier to set up and use, but it is all the same: copy files to sd card, push the payload, and you are good to go. It doesn't get much simpler. SXOS just packages it all together, but then again... so does this post. I don't see me charging you thirty dollars.
For games, updates, and DLC try my UnderPack (contents of the UnderPack are in the AtmosPack as well).
If what you aren't looking for isn't there or you refuse to connect your Switch online, you can try The SwitchNSPs Sub , The SwitchLoader Sub or this post Game Sources (Feb2020). For all else, check the links in this post. It covers most things.
Enjoy your piracy obviously very legal backups.
DISCORD LINKS - Here are some of the best hacking/piracy/emulation Discords around:
  1. This Sub's Discord - Great place to ask for help, find games, and more.
  2. The Quota'd Discord - An alternative to finding games (for use with the Shop app).
  3. AtlasNX Discord - For info related to Atmosphere.
  4. Switchfinite Discord - Has various info and links.
  5. RetroNX Discord - For info mostly related to Lakka and Retroarch on Switch.
  6. Switch Lan Play Discord - Want to play your online games while hacked/banned? Start here.
  7. Nintendo Homebrew Discord - A general scope Discord for discussion and assistance with all types of Nintendo homebrew. Be that Switch, Wii, 3ds, etc.
  8. Nintendo H&H Discord - Homebrew & Hacking Discord, from the amazing XorTroll.
BONUS - Random Links of Awesomeness:
  1. SwitchTools Website - Various useful tools, all on one site. Go here for ChoiDojourNX (to update OFWs via homebrew).
  2. Automatically Decode Base64 code on Reddit - A Tampermonkey script uploaded by one of my users, u/DanielBlaze. It automatically decodes Base64 code on Reddit, which is VERY useful when browsing here and other subs that encode their links.
  3. NXTheme Installer - An installer for Switch themes, many of which can be found at NXThemes , as well as some of my own linked on my website.
  4. Android On Switch - The very popular mobile OS for phones and tablets, on your Switch.
  5. Retroarch Nightlies - The very latest builds of Retroarch on Switch (a multi console emulation bundle).
  6. Lakka On Switch - An entire OS for Switch based on Retroarch. No ban risk, with Gamecube and PS2 cores included!
  7. JoyCon Toolkit - A neat tool to change the colors of your controllers (what they show on the Switch). In case you modded them, or just are tired of the normal looks.
  8. Skyrim Switch Mods - The Nexus Mods page for Skyrim On Switch.
  9. GameBanana - A site dedicated to hosting mods. You might need to use the search function, but it has mods for several Switch games as well. Including Smash, Pokemon, Mario Kart, and more.
  10. GBATemp - An amazing forum with tons of information about lots of gaming subjects, including hacking.
  11. Rufus - A tool for managing external/usb drives. Perfect for formatting your SD card, since Windows doesn't allow over 32gb to be formatted as fat32. It is an overall great tool in general, and I recommend everyone have it on their PC.
  12. 7Zip - A tool for compressing and decompressing files on your pc. Great for use both related and unrelated to Switch hacking. Many downloads you will find will be ZIPped, RARed, or 7ZIPped. This tool can extract them all, and much more, for free.
  13. Homebrew App Store - Website that is linked to the homebrew app itself, for finding any number of random homebrew items for your Switch. Be that games, emulators, or tools, this site (and its app) has plenty. The app itself is included in the AtmosPack.
  14. SciresM Twitter - The Twitter for the main dev of Atmosphere. Feel free to follow for news on what he is up to.
  15. M4XW Twitter - The Twitter for one of the main devs for RetroNX (and other projects). Feel free to follow for news on what he is up to.
  16. Imbushuo Twitter - The Twitter for a dev working on Windows on Switch.
  17. Langer_Hans Twitter - The Twitter for a dev working on Android on Switch.
Random links to Switch Hardware I think is very cool or useful (may or may not be of interest to you):
Case/Shell Replacement NES Style , Bluetooth Adapter and U-angle USB Adapter , Clear Shell Replacements , JoyCon rails that allow charging when in use , Cheap RCM jig listings .
Other (unaffiliated) hack/piracy subs for different systems, in case you were looking to hack your ps3 or whatever:
Ps3Hacks , Ps3Homebrew , VitaHacks , VitaPiracy , 3dsPiracy , WiiHacks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also, a big shout out to our supporters! Thanks to anyone who helps people here, on the Discord, and/or donates. We can use all the help we can get to grow UP's Domain. Be that helping hands, new apps, or donations. Everyone can help.
submitted by underprivlidged to Unders_Domain [link] [comments]

Beginners: How to integrate Ads Kit in Flutter

Beginners: How to integrate Ads Kit in Flutter
In this article, you guys can read how I had conversation with my friend about Ads kit integration in the Flutter.
Rita: Hey, What are you doing?
Me: I’m working.
Rita: Working? OMG It’s already 2.00 am, sleep early.
Me: Yeah I’ll sleep in 10 minutes. Hardly 10 minutes work remaining.
Rita: What you are working?
Me: Taxi booking application in flutter.
Rita: Oh, you told about this while explaining about Account Kit.
Me: Yeah.
Rita: You have not finished integration of account kit in flutter? (@Reader checkout here How to integrate Account Kit in Flutter.)
Me: No, it’s already done.
Rita: Then what exactly you are working in taxi booking application?
Me: I’m integrating HMS Ads kit in taxi booking app.
Rita: Ads kit? What does it mean?
Me: You develop application or build any product right? How you will do promotion?
Rita: I don’t do anything there is special team called “Marketing’’.
Me: At least do you have any idea what marketing team does?
Rita: Yes
Me: Ok, tell me what they do?
Rita: They put banners, advertisement in the Radio, Television, and newspaper. You know what even they do painting on the wall with product description. Painting on house wall is free on top of that company will pay some X amount for house owner.
Me: Yes, let me give you some example for traditional way of marketing.
1. Banners.
2. Advertisement in Radio or TV or newspaper.
3. Painting on the wall.
4. Meeting distributors with sample of product.
Rita: Yes, I’ve seen all the ways, which are mentioned above.
Me: You know all above ways has drawbacks or Disadvantages
Rita: Drawbacks? What are those?
Me: Let me explain all those drawbacks
Me: You told about banners right?
Rita: Yes
Me: You know in one city there will be many localities, sub localities streets, area, main roads, service roads etc. How many places you will put banners? If you consider one city only you need to put so many banners and when it comes to multiple cities and globe level. Imagine you need so many marking people across all the cities. And also think about cost. As an organization they need profit with less investment. But when they go with banner advertisement they have to spent lot of money for marketing only.
Me: Even after spending lot of money and effort hardly very few people read banners.
Rita: True, even I only don’t read banners.
Me: Now let’s take radio or TV advertisement and newspaper. Let’s take example in one home there 5 people. How many TV’s will be there?
Rita: 1 or max 2
Me: What about phones?
Rita: Its mobile world everyone will have phone. 5 member’s means 5 phones some times more than 5 because few people will have 2-3 phones.
Rita: Why you are asking about phones?
Me: Let me explain about it later.
Rita: Okay
Me: Ok, now tell me there are thousands of channels. If you want to give advertisement how many channels you will give, 1 or 2 or max 10 channels you will give advertisement. Do you think all people will watch only those channels which you have provided advertisement?
Rita: No, it’s highly impossible. I only change my TV channel when Ads start.
Me: You told about Radio and newspaper also right. Nowadays who will listen radio now everyone is moving towards the social media. And also everybody is reading news in mobile application nobody takes newspaper because people started think about paper waste and people are thinking about environment.
Rita: That’s true.
Me: If that is the case how you will depend your marking on Radio and TV.
Rita: Yeah, it’s very difficult to depend on that.
Me: Now take painting on the wall example. How many houses you will paint? Just think about money and time. As I said earlier think about multiple cities and multiple streets.
Rita: Yes it’s really time consuming and cost will be too much.
Me: Now, let’s take Meeting distributors with sample product. Do you think this will work out? No it won’t work out because all marketing person will not have same marketing knowledge. On top of that you should have to give training about product for them. Even after training about product they will miss some main key points of product while explaining distributors. If distributors are not convinced about product which is explained by marketing person straight away they will say “no to your product”.
Rita: Exactly, you are right
Me: Now you got drawbacks of traditional way?
Rita: Yes, completely.
Rita: Have you joined marketing job?
Me: No, why?
Rita: Because you understood a lot about marketing so.
Me: No, I got it by experience.
Rita: Hey, you know I thought marketing team will have very less work. But by seeing the above drawbacks I came to know that targeting user is not so easy task.
Rita: You know what I realized from above drawbacks we should not underestimate the others work.
Me: No, building product is not a big deal but marketing product is the big deal.
Rita: Okay, till now you told drawbacks right is there any solution for it?
Me: Yes. There is something called Digital marketing.
Rita: Digital marketing means playing video on LED screen near traffic signals right?
Me: No
Rita: Then what is digital marketing?
Me: Let me explain what digital marketing is.
Marketing is the act of connecting with customers with a bid to convince them towards buying a product or subscribing to a service. Marketing, in whatever form, is one of the key activities that every business must partake in, as no business can survive without effective marketing and publicity.
Digital marketing is any action carried out using any electronic media towards the promotion of goods and services. This is a primarily internet-based activity aimed at selling goods or providing services.
The world is in a digital age, and millions of people spend so much of their time poking around digital platforms. Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of this fact and therefore leveraging on the popularity of these platforms to promote their goods and services. Marketing is all about connecting with customers in the right place at the right time, and if your customers are plentiful online, then that is where you should go.
Me: I hope you got what is digital marketing right.
Rita: Yes, but what are the benefits of the Digital marketing?
Me: here is benefits.

Benefits of Digital marketing.

1. Low cost

  1. Huge return on investment
  2. Easy to adjust
  3. Brand development
  4. Easy to share
  5. Global
  6. Greater engagement
Me: Now come to Ads kit. Huawei Ads kit supports completely digital marketing.
Rita: Can you explain brief about Huawei Ads kit.
Me: Let me give you introduction.


Huawei Ads provide developers an extensive data capabilities to deliver high quality ad content to their users. By integrating HMS ads kit we can start earning right away. It is very useful particularly when we are publishing a free app and want to earn some money from it. Huawei is providing one of the best Ads kit to advertise their ads in the mobile phones. Using HMS ads kit can reach their target audience very easily. And they can measure the efficiency.
Me: I asked you about number of phone in home right. Do you remember that?
Rita: Yes, Why did you ask?
Me: Now compare traditional marketing and digital marketing with Huawei Ads kit. Very few user will have TV and very less number of users listen Radio and very few reads the Banners But every one use mobile you can reach them with very good ads content in the mobile application. When user has the mobile definitely they will use applications and there you can show your ads, and market a product in better way and get more audience with mobile phones.
Rita: Now I got.
Rita: okay, what kind of ads HMS ads supports
Me: Below the list
HMS Ads types
1. Splash Ads
2. Banner Ads
3. Interstitial Ads
4. Native Ads
5. Reward Ads
6. Roll Ads
7. Express Splash Ads
Rita: Okay, how to integrate Huawei Ads kit in flutter?
Me: To answer your question I will divide into 2 steps
1. Integrate service on AGC.
2. Client development process.
Me: Let me explain above steps
Integrate service on AGC
Step 1: Register as a Huawei Developer.
Step 2: Create App in AGC
Step 3: Enable required services.
Step 4: Integrate the HMS core SDK
Step 5: Apply for SDK permission
Step 6: Perform App development
Step 7: Perform pre-release check
Client development process
Step 1: Open android studio or any development IDE.
Step 2: Create flutter application
Step 3: Add app level gradle dependencies. Choose Android > app > build.gradle
apply plugin: '' apply plugin: 'com.huawei.agconnect' 
Gradle dependencies
//Ads kit implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads-lite:' implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads-consent:' implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads-identifier:' implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads-installreferrer:' 
Root level dependencies
maven {url ''} classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:' 
Add the below permission in the manifest.xml
Step 4: Download agconnect-services.json. Add it in the app directory
Step 5: Download HMS Ads kit plugin
Step 6: Add downloaded file into outside project directory. Declare plugin path in pubspec.yaml file under dependencies.
dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter huawei_account: path: ../huawei_account/ huawei_ads: path: ../huawei_ads/ fluttertoast: ^7.1.6 # The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application. # Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons. cupertino_icons: ^1.0.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: 
Step 7: After adding all required plugins click Pub get, automatically it will install latest dependencies.
Step 8: We can check the plugins under External Libraries directory.
Rita: Thanks man. Really integration is so easy.
Me: Yeah.
Rita: Hey you did not explain more about Types of Ads.
Me: Oh, yeah I forgot to explain about it, let me explain. As you already know types of Ads, so let me explain one by one.
Banner Ads are rectangular ad images located at the top, middle or bottom of an application’s layout. Banner ads are automatically refreshed at intervals. When a user taps a banner ad, in most cases the user is taken to the advertiser’s page.
Different sizes of Banner Ads.
How to create banner ads and how to show it?
//Create BannerAd static BannerAd createBannerAd() { return BannerAd( adSlotId: "testw6vs28auh3", size: BannerAdSize.s320x50, bannerRefreshTime: 2, adParam: AdParam(), listener: (AdEvent event, {int errorCode}) { print("Banner Ad event : $event"); }, ); } //Show banner Ad static void showBannerAd() { BannerAd _bannerAd; _bannerAd ??= createBannerAd(); _bannerAd ..loadAd() Gravity.bottom, offset: 10); } 
Rewarded Ads are generally preferred in gaming applications. They are the ads that in full-screen video format that users choose to view in exchange for in-app rewards or benefits.
How to create Reward ads and how to show it?
//Create reward Ad static RewardAd createRewardAd() { return RewardAd( listener: (RewardAdEvent event, {Reward reward, int errorCode}) { print("RewardAd event : $event"); if (event == RewardAdEvent.rewarded) { print('Received reward : ${reward.toJson().toString()}'); } }); } //Show Reward Ad static void showRewardAd() { RewardAd rewardAd = createRewardAd(); rewardAd.loadAd(adSlotId: "testx9dtjwj8hp", adParam: AdParam());; } 
Interstitial Ads are full-screen ads that cover the application’s interface. Such that ads are displayed without disturbing the user’s experience when the user launches, pauses or quits the application.
How to create interstitial ads and how to show it?
static InterstitialAd createInterstitialAd() { return InterstitialAd( adSlotId: "teste9ih9j0rc3", adParam: AdParam(), listener: (AdEvent event, {int errorCode}) { print("Interstitial Ad event : $event"); }, ); } //Show Interstitial Ad static void showInterstitialAd() { //Show banner Ad InterstitialAd _interstitialAd; _interstitialAd ??= createInterstitialAd(); _interstitialAd ..loadAd(); } 
Splash Ads are ads that are displayed right after the application is launched, before the main screen of the application comes.
How to create Splash ads and how to show it?
static SplashAd createSplashAd() { SplashAd _splashAd = new SplashAd( adType: SplashAdType.above, ownerText: 'Welcome to Huawei Ads kit', footerText: 'Community team', ); // Splash Ad return _splashAd; } //Show Splash Ad static void showSplashAd() { SplashAd _splashAd = createSplashAd(); _splashAd ..loadAd( adSlotId: "testq6zq98hecj", orientation: SplashAdOrientation.portrait, adParam: AdParam(), topMargin: 10); } 
Native Ads are ads that take place in the application’s interface in accordance with the application flow. At first glance, they look like they are part of the application, not like an advertisement.
How to create Native ads and how to show it?
//Create NativeAd static NativeAd createNativeAd() { NativeStyles stylesSmall = NativeStyles(); stylesSmall.setCallToAction(fontSize: 8); stylesSmall.setFlag(fontSize: 10); stylesSmall.setSource(fontSize: 11); NativeAdConfiguration configuration = NativeAdConfiguration(); configuration.choicesPosition = NativeAdChoicesPosition.topLeft; return NativeAd( // Your ad slot id adSlotId: "testu7m3hc4gvm", controller: NativeAdController( adConfiguration: configuration, listener: (AdEvent event, {int errorCode}) { print("Native Ad event : $event"); }), type: NativeAdType.small, styles: stylesSmall, ); } //Add the below container in the Widget build(BuildContext context) method Container( height: 80, margin: EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 20.0), child: AdsUtility.createNativeAd(), ), 
Rita: Great…
Me: Thank you.
Me: Hey, you know while chatting with you I completed Ads kit Integration.
Rita: Great… and so fast
Me: Yes
Rita: Can you show how it looks?
Me: Off course. Check how it looks in result section?
Rita: Looking nice!
Rita: Hey, should I remember any key points in this Ads kit.
Me: Yes, let me give you some tips and tricks.

Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure you are already registered as Huawei developer.
  • Make sure your HMS Core is latest version.
  • Make sure you added the agconnect-services.json file to android/app directory
  • Make sure click on Pub get.
  • Make sure all the dependencies are downloaded properly.
Rita: Really, thank you so much for your explanation.
Me: I hope now you got answer for what exactly ads kit is.
Rita: Yes, I got it in detail.
Me: Than can I conclude on this Ads kit?
Rita: Yes, please


In this chat conversation, we have learnt how to integrate Ads kit in Flutter. Following topics are covered in this article.
  1. Splash Ads
  2. Banner Ads
  3. Reward Ads
  4. Interstitial Ads
  5. Native Ads
Rita: Hey, share me reference link even I will try to integrate at my end also?
Me: Follow the below reference.


Rita: Now integration is done right sleep now, it’s too late…
Me: Yeah, I will sleep now.
Rita: Hey, I’ve one last question can I ask?
Me: Yes
Rita: is there any personal benefit for?
Me: Yes, you have, you have built some free educational application right in that you can integrate Ads kit and earn money.
Rita: Oh, nice then today only I’ll integrate and I will publish it again.
Rita: What version you are using?
Me: You told one question? You are asking second question, so I don’t want to answer.
Rita: Hey please… please… please... this is last question?
Me: Ok, I’ll tell check version info section.

Version information

Android Studio: 4.1.1
Rita: Thank you really nice explanation (@Readers its self-compliment expecting question/comments/compliments in comment section)

Happy coding

submitted by Basavaraj-Navi to HMSCore [link] [comments]

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Most Android games require an Internet connection, but sometimes you simply can’t be online – whether because you’re not near any networks or because you’ve run out of data. With those moments in mind, we’ve put together a giant list of free Android games that require no Internet connection to be played. The compilation includes games ... 11 Best Games That Don’t Need Wifi or Internet Connection 1. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The latest of the COD series, Black Ops 4 is a game that can be played without Wi-Fi, and one of the games built to allow a more aggressive play that is, of course, a bit more engaging. Badland. FrogmindAdventureFree. Badland is one of the best Android games that doesn’t need Wifi simply because it offers compelling gameplay without the need of connectivity. It is also one of the best looking 2-D games on our beloved platform and it looks remarkable on any screen. For them, Android PlayStore has brought tons of exciting slot games. Basically, the slot is a part of casino games, and so far, it is the most popular and fascinating part. It is very simple, so you don’t need to have a master strategic ability. You can just start playing these games with a few tactics and earn bonuses for different reasons. Moreover, some of the best slot games for Android ... Don't Miss: 10 Free Multiplayer Android Games That Can Be Played Offline; Action Games. For those times when you want to keep yourself entertained without spacing out too much, these action games will get your blood flowing while testing your eye-hand coordination, and help you burn through idle time at a rapid pace. Shadow Fight 2. For the head-to-head fighting fans out there, Shadow Fight 2 ... Free Offline Slot Free Internet don't require internet. NOW with SLOTS: free slots without going to free spins on the machines offline for FREE! of the finest online of free casino slot can enjoy the full You must have android playing video games without machine apps you can evenly distributed across most offline without internet and can enjoy yourself in smoothly. machines in games on ... A collection of popular no download free casino slot games to play offline include Cleopatra, Buffalo, Super Hot, Book of Ra, Mega Moolah, and Starburst. Offline Slots are any pokies and other slot games that you can play without an internet connection. Technically, oldschool land casino machines also fall under this description – but they also deserve their own category because of the physical design and complex cabinet manufacturing. We’ll focus on free slots that can be launched ... Don't panic, the solution is simple – here are the best offline Android games for you to check out, recently updated with new recommendations for you to try. Most free-to-play games above a certain graphical quality tend to have most of their features limited to online use, since that's a big part of how they make money (by showing online ads, encouraging competition with better-equipped ... However, the biggest caveat to most of these games is that they require an active Internet connection which can be a problem for many people. In order to deal with these issues, people look for casino games that don’t need WiFi at all. If you are wondering, there are some amazing casino games that do not require wifi. Words don’t do justice for what is, in my opinion, one of the best puzzle games ever created. I played the Original The Room years ago which I felt at the time was an amazing game. The Room 2, like the first, doesn’t disappoint. If you want to play a game with incredible visual graphics, in an interactive setting, coupled with mysterious sounds and movements, then sit down and play these ...

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Play Top 10 Free Games That Don't Need Wifi or Internet ...

Here's list of Top 17 Best HD Offline Games for iOS/Android Under 50 mb . Let us know about your favorite Android & iOS game in the comment section below. H... Hi guys, In this video I want to show Play 10 Top Free Games That Don't Need Wifi or Internet Best Offline Games for Android..!! I hope every gamer love th... Bovada Sign Up: Bovada Bonus Codes: Written Review: Best Slot Sites & Apps Bovada Casi... Best Slots Bingo Poker Casino Games 893 views 0:17 My BIGGEST HANDPAY JACKPOT On Piggy Bankin Slot Machine High Limit piggy Bankin Slot Huge Jackpot - Duration: 35:12. We share 5 slot tips that most people are unaware of, that can help improve your chances to win. Knowing these slot machine strategies can be the difference ... Your online casino streaming community - https://CasinoGrounds.comBig Bet Slots are becoming more and more unpopular with the players but it sure is possible... Ranking the 25 Best FREE ANDROID OFFLINE mobile games that are currently available on the Google PlayStore. These are the free-to-play Android games that you... Introduced on Google Play in July 2014, the "Offline Games" section aims to introduce users to games (free and paid) that do not require Internet access to operate.

android slot games that don't require internet

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